United States Invaded
2015 Second American Civil War
Book 3
United States Invaded
2nd edition 8-15-14
Copyright 2014 IJT
Ira. J. Tabankin
Sterling VA
This book is dedicated to my wife and true love, Patricia.
The following is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual names, persons, businesses, and incidents are strictly coincidental.
I’d like to thank the many members of the survivalistboards.com who helped me with their knowledge, comments and encouragement. A very special thanks to Cheri, who worked tirelessly to edit and make this published version possible.
The right wing of the Republican Party won the 2014 midterm elections. The “price” the mainstream Republicans agreed to pay for the Tea Party’s support was the impeachment of President Obsma. The President knew his time was short. He issued multiple executive orders. He outlawed coal mining and the burning of coal to generate electricity; he tried to break the back of the right through the use of the militarized DHS. Americans had never been more split. President Obsma stood on the sideline while the Russians and Chinese declared economic war with the United States.
Congress finally started the impeachment process for the President and his entire cabinet. The Senate selected retired four-star general, US Marine Commandant Rod Brownstone, to be the new Secretary of State. When President Obsma is impeached General Brownstone is next in line, he takes the oath becoming the 45th President of the United States. He appoints both industry leaders and members of the right wing of the conservative party to be his cabinet. Before the ink is dry on President Brownstone’s signature, President Obsma announces he’s forming a new liberal/progressive country called the LSA, for the Liberal States of America. President Brownstone decides to let the LSA secede in order to stop a new-civil war.
On a cold New Year’s Eve celebration in New York City, President Obsma is set to make a major announcement when the city loses power. The entire city is blacked out. Panic ensues, the crowds, rush past the stage; President Obsma is swept away in the crowd, hitting his head causing amnesia. When he’s finally located, his memory is lost and confused. Harold Reid steps in to take over the Presidency of the LSA. He sides with Russian Federation President Puten and the United Nations in attacking the USA to force the United States to disarm and scrap all of its nuclear weapons.
Chapter 1
Press Secretary Rash Linebacker knocks on the Oval Office door while sticking his head in, the President’s Chief of Staff, ex-Major Dan Richards, says; “Rash, come in.”
Rash enters holding a DVD, “Mr. President, Dan, I have something you need to see as soon as possible. May I play it?”
President Brownstone looks up, responding, “Yes of course, Rash, can you give us a hint, is this good news or bad? Should I watch it here or in the situation room with the cabinet?”
“Mr. President, I suggest you watch it here first and then with the cabinet, it’s not good news.”
“Dan, please call the cabinet, ask them to join us in the situation room in one hour. OK Rash, the monitors are all yours.”
Rash inserts the DVD into one of the players built into the office wall below six large flat screen high definition monitors. Four of which are tuned to the four major networks, one is set to CNX sound bites, and the last is alternated between The Blaze or the Business News channel. Screening software alerts the President to any breaking news stories.
The DVD video starts playing, it’s shaky as if it was recorded on a handheld device. It soon stabilizes showing President Reid, President for life of the LSA (Liberal States of America) practicing a speech, “The USA, and in particular President Brownstone, is responsible for the death of our founder and beloved President Obsma. President Brownstone personally has blood on his hands. President Brownstone’s personally appointed Department of Energy cabinet officer encouraged the stealing of the electrical power from the peace loving and hard working people of New York City. By cutting the electrical power off at the stroke of Midnight, the President is responsible for the riots, the damage, loss of personal property exceeding two billion new dollars and of course, he’s responsible for the death of our beloved founder, President Obsma. Can you imagine what would have happened if the British had arranged to kill George Washington on the eve of July 4th, 1776? President Brownstone did this to us. He might as well have pulled the trigger and shot our loved President Obsma in the head from point blank range. It would have been much more merciful if President Brownstone had shot him; instead he created the blackout that caused millions to suffer, thousands died and of course, President Obsma suffered head injuries he never recovered from. It took the brave first responders of New York City more than a week to restore power that delayed the search teams looking for the President. By the time, we found our founder; his brain damage was so great, that no matter the amount of services our national healthcare system provided for our beloved founder, we couldn’t save him. President Brownstone’s cutting the electrical power was an act of war committed against the people of the LSA. This is the first time in history a leader of a country, and might I add, a leader who wasn’t elected by the people he rules, has committed murder against another of the world’s leaders with his own hands. President Brownstone’s hands are covered in the blood of our beloved founder.
“I’m calling on all of the peace-loving people of the world to boycott the United States of America until they bring the murderer, President Brownstone, to justice in front of the world’s court. I’m calling on the international banking system to stop trading and stop using the USA dollar until President Brownstone is brought to justice. I’m asking the world’s strongest military powers to assist us since we, the peace loving people of the LSA, don’t have a military. We never planned on fighting anyone, we would never invade anyone, and as such, we never thought we would need a military, our police, and homeland security agents are enough to protect our citizens.”
Shocked, President Brownstone asks, “Rash, where did you get this? Is this something he’s planning on giving to the LSA? Is there more to this speech?”
“Mr. President, I have a friend in the studio Reid uses to record and practice his national and international addresses. This was recorded last night. He’s going to give a speech this evening at 6:00 PM PST. I assume there’s more to the speech. However, this is all my friend could record.”
“Crap, we don’t need this now. I didn’t have anything to do with the death of President Obsma. For all, we know Reid had him killed in a private hospital Reid sent him to. We all know he was never going to be seen alive again once he entered that facility. Rash, you’re the media guru among us, what do you recommend we do? If he delivers this speech, we could have real problems if other countries boycott us. Many of our businesses will lose billions of dollars causing a huge spike in the number our unemployed. We just got the real unemployment down to 6% from mid-2014’s 12%. This could turn the curve around again. The American family pain level, which has been on the decline, is going to increase again. Everyone in America will feel the pain if he goes through with this.”
“Mr. President, if Reid can get a warrant issued by the World Court, you wouldn’t be able to travel overseas. If you do, any country that’s a member of the World Court will be able to arrest and hold you for murder.”
“Is there any way we can stop the warrant from being issued?”
“No sir. One of the first things you did as President was to withdraw us from the World Court. You reduced our payments to the United Nations and withdrew us from most of their programs. You also forced any diplomat or employee of the United Na
tions and World Court to have a special visa to enter and travel in America. The cost of the visa is based on their country’s GNP and support for America. Every diplomat has filed official protests over the visa with the United Nations.”
“What did we do with the protests?”
Rash smiled, trying to hold back laughing, “Alvin replied with personally signed letters informing them if they didn’t want to purchase the visa they didn’t have to enter the USA. He pissed them off even more. If I remember correctly, he enjoyed reading their protest letters. In fact, I understand he framed some of them.”
“So I’m hated by the LSA and most of the world too.”
“Sir, the United Kingdom, Spain, Israel, Japan, Australia, New Zealand and Switzerland still strongly support us.”
“That’s it?”
Rash replies, “Russia now controls the European/Russian land mass from the English Channel to the Pacific Ocean. They caused massive rioting, then they walked into ’protect’ the people. The FSB crushed the rioting and protests by smashing their skulls. Many are now counting trees in Siberia; most will never return. China is sitting on the fence observing and waiting, they’ve been sending private messages to us saying they are leaning towards supporting us.”
“If I visit any other country other than our close friends there’s a good chance I’ll be arrested and tried for murder in the World Court?”
“Sir, they can also intercept Air Force One in international air space.”
“I thought Air Force One was considered US soil?”
Dan responds, “Sir, We consider it as such; many countries also do, however, many will consider you an open target in international air space. We expect the LSA to offer a reward for your capture.”
“I will not be a prisoner in the White House. John arranges for armed US fighters to accompany me wherever I travel. Issue orders they will have weapons free if anyone approaches Air Force One.”
Rash replies, “Sir, if you have foreign fighters shot down in international airspace it could lead to war.”
“Rash, prepare a media plan to put us in a better light, you have my permission to release the union’s demands to the Mayor of New York, which he ignored. This is what caused the blackout. You can release anything except for memos that may impact our National Security, ask Alvin for his advice if you think you're in a gray area. Leak them, so it doesn’t look like it came directly from us.”
“Mr. President, would you like me to attend the cabinet briefing?”
“Yes, I think you can offer excellent advice how we should handle the traditional and social media. Rash, I’m pissed, I’m counting on you to change world opinion. Even many of our citizens will question if I’m a murderer that will hurt our ability to get things done. Reid is hitting us below the belt.”
Everyone in the White House hallways notices the look on the President’s face, they quietly step aside to let the President and Rash walk to the Situation Room without interruption.
When the two men enter the situation room, the cabinet Secretaries rise in respect for the President, he tells them, “Sit, sit, due to Rash, we have advance information on a potentially very serious issue that’s going to break this evening.”
The Cabinet looks at Rash wondering what the Press Secretary would have that would give them advance information of a pending crisis. They think why didn’t the CIA or the DHS have a lead on a new crisis versus the Press Secretary.
President Brownstone starts the meeting off with, “Rash has a DVD he’s going to play for us, I’ve already seen it, after you digest it, we need to strategize how we’re going to respond and how to get in front of Reid’s announcement.”
The cabinet watches the DVD, at first most think Rash hired an actor to play President Reid to play a joke on the cabinet, when they realize they’re watching the real President Reid rehearsing a speech he plans to give that evening they become concerned.
Steve Fobas, the Secretary of the Treasury, says, “Will anyone believe the President intentionally cut off electricity to New York City? Isn’t President Reid going to come off looking like a fool?”
Alvin West, the Secretary of Homeland Security, replies, “I wish people were smart enough to realize he’s using this as a distraction from the economic problems the LSA is facing. If he goes through with this speech as we just heard it, we’re going to be in for a world of hurt. President Puten will support the call against President Brownstone; he’ll offer to loan the LSA the Russian military to arrest the President. The countries Puten has recently conquered, for the ’people’s protection’ will quickly jump on the bandwagon as will most of Latin America. If Reid puts a high enough bounty on the President’s head, we’re going to have every nut case and every criminal organization trying to get to President Brownstone. Steve, I think you better bring the head of the Secret Service in on this right now. He needs to get up to speed and ensure he’s ready for what’s coming.”
Steve looking thoughtful says, “Alvin, good idea, I’m going to step out for a minute to call him.” Steve steps out of the situation room, he speed dials the head of the secret service, “Bob, Steve here, we have a ‘Case White’ situation, yes I repeat, ’Case White,' timeline zero. He’s currently in the Situation Room with the entire cabinet. The first lady is in the East Wing, as are his dogs.”
Steve steps back into the meeting, nodding to the President.
President Brownstone says, “John, as Secretary of Defense, what are your thoughts?”
“Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen, I agree with Alvin we’re going to have issues in our relations with every other country. Mr. President, I suggest we increase our Defense Condition to ’Round House,’ DEFCON 3.”
“John, do you think us increasing our defense condition before Reid’s speech will tip him off that we know what he’s going to say tonight? I worry that he’ll see our change, as will Puten which may force them to advance their timeline.”
“Mr. President, that’s a very good point, I’ll alert the various commands that tonight during President Reid’s speech we are going to ’Round House.’ I’ll put every base on Threatcon Delta right now.”
“John, cancel all leaves and notify Admiral Zander I want everything he has flushed to sea by 9:30 PM, tell General Jackson to cancel all leaves and prepare to move the 101st to Washington. Tell the Air Force to increase the number CAP (Combat Air Patrol) and Zulu fighters. (Air defense fighters kept armed, ready to launch within minutes). I pray we’re not going to need them, but, I’d rather have them and not need them than need and not have them.”
“Yes, Mr. President, most of those actions are part of Round House, may I be excused for a few minutes?”
“Good idea, I suggest we take a fifteen minute break. Steve, will you please wait to see me during the break?”
“Of course.”
As the meeting breaks, everyone pulls out their secure cellular phones giving instructions to their staffs.
“Steve, I think many of the countries will freeze our assets, you have three hours advance notice, see if you can move or protect as many of our assets as possible. Try to move everything out of and away from any potential country that is most likely going to condemn us. I think you should also reach out to our largest international companies - I don’t want them to have their assets frozen. They’ll start laying people off, killing our recovery in mid-step. Make sure you remind the CEO’s you take into your confidence this is top secret information. If they leak it, they’ll never get another heads-up from us again.”
“I’ll see what we can do about moving accounts around, would you like me to freeze the assets of our European and Russian friends?”
“Can you do so without letting them know we’re doing so? Am I right that Puten has left most of their assets in place?”
“Yes, Mr. President, he has.”
“Steve, I don’t want to tip off President Reid before he makes his announcement tonight. I’d like to see how we can confuse Reid and ensure o
ur assets are protected. I would like you to notify the CEOs of the banks holding their assets that we’re going to be freezing them tonight. Ask them to notify you if they get a request to move assets before 9:00 PM tonight, under no circumstances do I want Puten to be able to move Russian assets out of the country.”
“Mr. President, I understand, I have a lot of work to do and not much time, I’ll return soon.”
“Steve, increase the secret service protection details on all of the cabinet Secretaries.”
“Sir, under case White and Round House it’s automatic.”
While the President and Steve are talking, the door to the Situation Room opens, and four heavily armed secret service agents enter, taking up positions at each corner of the room. Other agents take up positions through the White House and arm themselves with shoulder-fired anti-air missiles on the White House roof. Heavily armed agents and armored vehicles take up position all over the capital.
The cabinet meeting continues with Rash standing next to the President. “Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen, the President has given me permission to publish the Edison union’s letter to Mayor De Farco in New York City, which the mayor ignored, four minutes into President Reid’s speech, every social media site will be flooded with copies of the letters. We’re also going to flood the web with our side of the story before Reid gets midway through his speech, I’ll be holding a press conference within a minute of Reid’s speech ending, in fact, the White House press corps will be watching Reid’s address in the press room. That way we can watch their reaction and body language. You’ll be able to watch their reactions from here in the Situation Room; we’ve wired the press room with hidden cameras. We’re trying to get ahold of some of the people who lived in an abandoned tunnel with President Obsma; we’ve also got the manager of the New York power generation plant which will attend my press conference. He’s going to say we had nothing to do with the interruption of power. He’s also going to say the Mayor of New York used force to take the plant over; the Mayor nationalized the plant costing Edison power millions of dollars in losses. He’s going to mock the Mayor for not responding to their demands. My staff is monitoring all of the left-wing forums and all the social media sites.”