United States Invaded Page 12
“Go three.”
“Flight of four Hornets, repeat flight of four Hornets, looks like C models, live rounds under the wings, wearing Spanish markings, they are not responding to any calls, not even on Guard.”
“How close are they to the fifty mile line?”
“Almost there.”
“Light ‘em up, maybe that will scare them off.”
“Lead, no joy, still coming, they just crossed the fifty mile line.”
“Take them down, repeat, take them down, weapons are free.”
Each Raptor locks up two of the incoming fighters with their AIM 120D air to air missiles. The AIM 120D missiles carry both an internal radar and IR sensor. The missiles also have a home on jam mode in case their target tries to jam their sensors. Each pilot says, FOX 1 twice, as they press their firing button two times. Each Raptor launched two guided air to air missiles at the incoming Hornets. The Spanish fighters are late spotting the incoming missiles; the AMRAAMs give off very little in the way of exhaust smoke. They are very hard to see when they’re coming directly at you. When the Spanish pilots’ threat warning systems sound an alert to say there are incoming missiles targeted at the Hornets, it’s already too late. No matter what the Spanish pilots try, they can’t avoid the incoming missiles. Each missile strikes their assigned target, each of the four fighters explode before their pilots can eject. Their dream of sharing the $500 million reward dies with them.
“Raptor lead to Air Force One, splash four, repeat splash four. Looked to be Spanish Hornets.”
“Raptor lead did you say Spanish Hornets?”
“That’s an affirmative.”
“Lead, thanks, keep your eyes open, the boss said there may be others hunting for us.”
“Good, I’d like a chance to bring a couple down.”
“Harold, I thought the explosion in North Dakoda was going to be a dirty bomb, not a full up nuclear explosion.”
“Nanny, it’s a shame isn’t it? All of those poor people killed. Thousands of acres covered in fallout. Much of the land America is fracking is now unusable. I wonder how this accident happened. I think we should issue a statement of support for the Americans.”
“Harold, I know you’re pulling my leg. We agreed to a dirty bomb. There’s no way I could ever condone setting off a full nuke. What the hell happened? If this is ever to be traced back to us, people around the world will tear us apart. Our plan was to set off the warhead as a dirty bomb, and then issue a statement demanding the USA disarm. The dirty bomb would make the silo unusable for fifty years. That’s all we were going to do; it wouldn’t have killed anyone.”
“Nanny, a dirty bomb wasn’t going to be enough to convince the world that American nuclear weapons are a danger to the world. I’m holding a press conference in an hour where President Puten and I are going to ask the United Nations to forcibly disarm the Americans.”
“Harold, was it an accident or did the Russians intentionally set off the warhead?”
“Nanny, what does it matter? The deed is done. I really don’t know what they planned. Knowing Puten, I wouldn’t put it pass him. The troops Puten sent to Minot, are gone. They were turned into gas at the site of the explosion.”
“Does Puten know?”
“I’m sure he does.”
“So he killed his people?”
“That’s my guess. He didn’t want any witnesses.”
An hour later Presidents Puten and Reid hold a video press conference. Kicking off the conference are satellite images of the devastation from the 350KT warhead. The silo is a blackened hole in the ground, the area around the silo has been blasted clean of everything. Nothing remains at ground zero. Fires are burning out of control miles from the silo. 30% of the city of Minot is burning. The images Reid and Puten display show people lying where they fell, the destroyed buildings, horribly burned people wandering in circles, most have no eyes, having been melted, as has their nose and ears. Hundreds are burned black. Lines of ambulances are trying to make their way to Minot. The roads surrounding Minot are covered installed cars and trucks. One advantage of the ground burst is very limited EMP, the pulse created much less damage than it would have had the warhead exploded above the city. Electronics were destroyed in a small circle of 35 miles surrounding the silo.
President Reid looking very somber and wearing a black armband on his right arm, begins, “Ladies and Gentlemen, the world has been balanced on the edge of a razor blade, close to nuclear midnight for too long. Hundreds of thousands have suffered, hundreds of thousands have died, hundreds of thousands of lives have been ruined.
“How long should the world’s children be afraid of nuclear war? How long should our children go to bed worried about nuclear war breaking out that will destroy everything they know? How many more lives are going to be ruined because an evil genie escaped from his bottle? For 60 years, the East and West stood face to face on the verge of destroying the world. The LSA is calling on the United Nations to ban all nuclear weapons. We in the LSA feel it’s our duty to the world’s children to ban the only weapons in the world’s arsenals that can destroy the entire world.
“There is already a ban on biological and chemical weapons, why isn’t there a ban on nuclear weapons? If two countries fight a war using nuclear weapons the radioactive fallout from their war could destroy countless other countries. The fallout could circle the world and kill us all. When I was young I read a book called, “On the Beach” a very scary story where nuclear fallout circles the world killing everyone. Why should any one country or a couple of countries have the right to own weapons that puts the entire world at risk?
“We say the time has come to rid the world of all of these terror weapons. Look at the death toll in North Dakota. Look at the loss of innocent lives. Don’t think this is a one-time event. Most of these horrible weapons were built 40 or more years ago, they are old; they are decaying; none of them is safe. Look at what happened in North Dakota. America is the world’s most technologically advanced country. If the Americans can’t manage their weapons of mass destruction, who can?”
President Puten takes over the conference, “The peace-loving Russian people don’t ever want to see such destruction again. Russia swore and signed a no first use agreement. Today the Russian people cry and mourn for the loss of life and property in North Dakota.
“The Russian people don’t want to see such suffering ever again and as such Russia is proud to sponsor the request at the United Nations Security Council. Our Ambassador will tomorrow submit at a special meeting of the Security Council a motion to condemn and outlaw nuclear weapons. Russia is taking the first step in renouncing such weapons. To prove our sincerity, tomorrow at 9AM Russia will begin to remove the heavy ICBMs, the West calls the SS 18, of course, we call them something else, we call the missile the R-36. We will remove these missiles from their silos. We will dismantle these weapons in front of an international group. We’ll make the video of the dismantling available on the web so the entire world can see how sincere Russia is. We, not the Americans, signed a no first use pledge. The only country to use nuclear weapons has refused to sign a pledge of no first use.
“We, not the Americans, will start dismantling our strategic weapons in front of the world. We, not the Americans, will bring the issue to the United Nations to dismantle all nuclear weapons. We, not the Americans, will openly allow international inspection of our nuclear plants.
“The Russian people think the time has come for the world to come together under the United Nations to create a nuclear-free planet. Earth is a small planet, we all share it. We all live here together; it isn’t fair to our children that they have to grow up in the shadow of nuclear horror. Given the recent death of President Obsma by the United States, and now this accident at an American strategic base shows that the once great country of America has lost her way.
“America couldn’t handle the break off states that formed the LSA. We in Russia l
ived through the break up of the Soviet Union, we accepted the people’s will to manage their own destiny. Many countries have undergone changes, why is it only America refuses to accept the will of her people? Why is it only America doesn’t provide a safe environment for her children? Why it is America, whose leader isn’t elected, plans and kills another world leader without repercussions? America hasn’t matured enough to manage its nuclear weapons arsenal. For the peace of the entire world, America must denounce and turnover her weapons of mass destruction to the United Nations for public destruction. No country can stand alone any longer.
“The United Nations was established to ensure another World War never took place. It’s been successful in that goal for 68 years. Many of the peaceful resolutions the United Nations has tried to pass are vetoed by the United States. The time has come to ensure the world never has to suffer another world war where hundreds of millions die. A nuclear world war will kill hundreds of millions, maybe even a billion people. We in Russia think President Brownstone should step down and let the more mature, logical, peaceful person, lead America back to its greatness.”
Both leaders inform the press they won’t be taking questions. The press conference ends with the press giving the two world leaders a standing ovation.
Minutes after the press conference ended, “BAN THE BOMB” signs appeared across the country. The signs just “popped” up on bridges, overpasses, on the side of buildings, and on the side of trucks and buses. The next day T-shirts and bumper stickers appeared. On the third day, hundreds of thousands march chanting “Ban The Bomb” across the world. Many international cities are closed down because of the marches. In Atlanta, Georgia, thirty-thousand hold hands while singing “Give Peace a Chance” while marching down Peachtree. They jam and close the inner cities. In New York City, Broadway is closed due to forty-thousand marchers. Los Angeles sees one-hundred-thousand march on Highway 10, closing access to the city. London’s traffic is stopped by sixty-thousand marchers. Paris, Frankfurt, Berlin and Moscow are shut down by hundreds of thousands of marchers. City after city is shut down.
On the fourth day after the joint press conference, without a response from President Brownstone, the marcher's takeover major interstate freeways, closing commence and basic commuting for millions. The marchers are peaceful; many sitdown on the streets and freeways demanding the United Nations “Ban The Bomb” before they’ll move again. Police try to drag and carry the protesters off the streets to open commence. The protesters refuse to be moved; it takes three police officers to move a single protestor. Clearing interstate 85 through Atlanta takes four days; as soon as a protester is moved, another fills the hole created. The world’s cities are running low on fresh food and fuel. Nothing has been delivered to the affected cities since the marches began. Residents begin to realize their supplies are running out. Riots break out when stores start to ration food and bottled water.
The judges at The Hague open the case against American President Brownstone. They call the parties to approach the bench, they quickly realize they are missing a key person. President Brownstone never arrived at The Hague. He turned around returning to Washington when the nuclear warhead exploded. The three chief Justices agree to a thirty-day postponement. Presidents Reid and Puten smile knowing the extension works to their benefit. The world is being turned upside down and inside out. Between the demands to appoint President Obsma a Saint, the protests from the nuclear accident and the “Ban The Bomb” marches, the world has come to a halt. The only topic the media reports on are these three, every network carries the same stories, using the same script and sound bites. Each speaker increases the temperature and pressure to the inner city pressure cooker. Pressure can’t be held inside the cities for long. People are ready to explode. People want change; people want their children to be safe. Most lose all sense of logic and reasoning.
The American cabinet meets in the situation room with President Brownstone. The President looks around the room, “Ladies and gentlemen, I don’t have to tell you we are facing a larger problem than the breakup of the country. We underestimated Reid and Puten; they planned this out to the last detail. We got hit with the Sainthood crap, the murder charge, the warhead explosion and now the “Ban The Bomb” marches. Each of these incidents was masterminded as part of an overall plan to destroy America. Reid wants control, not just of the LSA, but the USA too. He’s prepared to hand over some power to Puten in exchange for Puten’s support and use of his military. Does anyone here believe the Minute Man missile blew up by itself? Does anyone not think Puten was behind the explosion so he and Reid and use the United Nations to disarm us.
“Reid and Puten want our citizens disarmed first and then they’ll use the UN peacekeepers to take over our strategic weapons. When they’re finished, we’ll be nothing but a vassal of Russia. Russia will control 75% of the world. It won’t be long afterwards for China to be in Puten’s sights. When he has absorbed us and China, he’ll quickly grab Latin America. I’d guess he’ll either depopulate Africa or use it as a place to dump the world’s undesirables. He’ll strip Africa of all of the minerals he can before leaving it as a used up shell.
“The Sainthood, the murder charge, everything they’ve done has been designed to break us down and put world opinion against us. Reid agreed to an extension because they don’t really want to try the case in the World Court; the truth will come out and smear them. Reid and Puten will use the 30-day extension to stir up more unrest. I’ve decided we’re not going to surrender, we’re not going to allow the United Nations peacekeepers on our soil, nor are we going to disarm and dismantle our nuclear weapons. My first task as President is to defend these United States. I won’t allow the country to die in my watch. Now let’s discuss our options.”
Rash stands, “Mr. President, Mr. Vice President, .”
The President cuts Rash off, “Everyone, let’s run this meeting informally, there’s no way we’ll cover all of the topics and ideas if everyone is going to list everyone in the room by title.”
Rash smiles, while continuing, “I suggest we fight fire with fire, we start planting stories in liberal media about Reid and Puten. Let’s leak the letter to the mayor of New York, let’s leak the remarks from the New York Fire Department. Let’s use the videos of the poor people in New York begging for help. Let’s start dumping all sorts of material, some real, some a little less than real. The more outlandish, the more the media will pick up the stories. I have some friends and contacts I can leak the materials to. We can hack their forums and plant the stories. I agree, I’m tired of trying to play defense, we need to go on the offense with the LSA and Russia. We, too, can use world opinion against them. Hell, I can post a story that Reid beat his grandkids.”
Ted asks, “Does he?”
“Who cares, it’s the question that matters, simply asking the question is putting it into the public domain where others will pick it up and run with it. Remember when Reid made a statement that Romney didn’t pay any income taxes? It wasn’t real, he knew it. He did it anyway knowing the media would pick it up. I suggest we label Reid, a child pornographer. We still have the backdoor into his network; we’ll plant pictures and let, as they say, history take over.”
Sarah, looking upset asks, “Rash, really, child porn? Isn’t that pushing it a little far?”
“Sarah, do you know for a fact he’s not one?”
“Well, no, ..”
“See, I told you so, this is how it works. We need something to light up the media. Reid looks like a kindly grandfather, who better than he to be a slime ball?”
John, smiles, asking, “OK, Jedi master, what are you going to pin on Puten?”
“President Puten has already given us all of the ammunition we need. We haven’t used it yet, I suggest we use his own words, where he outlaws the LGBT community. How can he be a partner with the LSA if he’s personally anti-LGBT? Most in the LSA don’t have a clue.
I suggest we post the videos of Puten outlawing LGBT marriage and telling them they should leave the Motherland. We can use his own words to create a real crap storm. We can turn LSA opinion against Puten. Just think of how Reid is going to have to defend his partner to his people? The press loves this kind of material. I suggest we use his statements against the LGBT community, his anti-Semitism and we make up a few to plant with the media. We’ll turn the tables, putting them on the defensive. Each is going to have to defend their own words.”
President Brownstone smiles, “Does everyone agree with Rash’s idea?”
Everyone nods yes.
“Good. Rash, you’ve named your own poison, go get them, have fun. Whatever you do, this meeting never happened. Never allow any of it to be traced to us. Can you do this?”
“Yes, I can arrange that.”
“When should we expect the first stories to break?”
“Is tonight soon enough?”
All laugh. President Brownstone tells Rash, “Don’t stand there, you’ve got some smearing to do.
“While Rash is attending to what he does best, our next order of business is defending the country from the United Nations and the Russians. I also want to know how the warhead exploded.”
John stands, “We think we know what happened in North Dakota. We think a group of Russian Spetsnaz intercepted the real Air Force technicians on their way to the silo. The Russians took the tech’s ID cards and found, or were given, the password of the day. They drove the Air Force vehicle to the silo. Once there, they had valid ID cards, they had the valid daily code, they “looked right” so the crew in the launch capsule took the missile off-line and went back to their tasks. The leader of the Russian team had the PAL code which enabled him to set off the warhead.”