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United States Invaded Page 15

  “Excellent, if you pull this off, I’ll wire the $500 million to your account. I hope you’re more successful than the previous attempts. I’m losing patience.”


  Admiral Chen smiled as he looked over his fleet. He glanced at his watch thinking, “Damn it; only another five minutes have passed. We still have one hour to go.”

  “Admiral, the fleet reports every ship is in readiness condition Dragon 1. Sir we are ready to attack at zero hour.”

  “Very well, our orders are to launch an attack on the hour. We will follow attack plan Fox 1,”

  “Yes Admiral, I’ll transmit, attack plan Fox 1 on the hour.”

  Admiral Chen smiled; very soon his name will go down in Chinese history as the man who conquered the Philippines thereby giving China control of the Western Pacific Ocean.


  “Holy Father, the reaction hasn’t been as good as we’d hoped. Many are upset; many think we should, as they say, overlook a few of the President’s weak points and do what’s the best for all mankind.”

  “Georg, they think we should overlook his weaknesses and still appoint him? Don’t they understand the definition of a Saint?”

  “Holy Father, I think their education is lacking. I want every local priest to educate what a Saint is and what a sinner is. It’s very clear that most of the congregations are having problems telling one from the other. If they haven’t learned this simple lesson, they’ll never enter our Father’s Kingdom. They’ll be condemned to spend eternity in Hell. I can’t accept so many of our children sit in Church every Sunday, yet when they leave Church, they forget everything that was discussed. They are truly like children. They operate on what they heard last. They are full of sin and they too easily forget our Father’s message. They are good Christians inside the Church, but when they walk out of it, they revert to what they were on Saturday. I’m not going to appoint or even begin the process of appointing President Obsma as a Saint. This is never going to happen while I’m the Holy Father.”

  “Holy Father, please don’t even whisper that anywhere. There is history that not all of the Pontiffs died in their sleep. I worry that President Reid or Puten could decide to try and change Holy Fathers.”

  “I know our history, I won’t say anything outside of my apartment walls. If Presidents Reid and Puten kill me, then it was the Father’s will. Tell me, what’s going on in the LSA?”

  “Holy Father, it is not going well, President Reid is using your remarks as a show why the Holy Church shouldn’t have any schools or even hold sway over people. President Reid is trying to make the LSA into a nation where the state is the only recognized religion.”

  “Georg, it has been tried before. No nation has ever succeeded in washing our Father out of their people. The Holy Spirit is very powerful. When our Father instills his spirit in people, his spirit stays embedded. I’ll make another announcement tomorrow.”

  “Yes Holy Father, I’ll notify the networks.”


  The nine Supreme Court Justices join the President and Cabinet in the Situation Room. The new Chief Justice sits across from the President. “Randolph, thank you for joining us. I think you know why we’ve asked for you to consult with us. We’ve reached a major stumbling block. We’ve all seen the complete package of documents that were hidden in the AG’s office. Have the Justices also reviewed the documents?”

  “Mr. President, we have reviewed the package. I have also placed a personal call to the Chancellor at Columbia and Occidental. I informed both of them that I’d seen the transcripts; I asked them if the documents I read were true. They asked me to tell them what the documents said, I told them, they responded the documents are real and valid. With their permission, I recorded the call. Here’s the CD.”

  The President sighs and responds, “Then I guess we have to move forward with our discussions. I half expected the documents to be forged, now that we know President Obama wasn’t qualified to be President, what do we do? I’ve spent a few hours reviewing the situation; it appears that if President Obsma wasn’t qualified to be President, then everything he signed has to be overturned. This is going to drive the country and many around the world crazy. This is going to open the floodgates to millions of lawsuits. As such we’ve agreed to ask the Supreme Court to join us today and give us some advice how to proceed. Randolph, I’m going to hand you the gavel, what can you and the other Justices suggest to us?”


  The Drug cartel didn’t know the President postponed his 8:00 PM national address. President Brownstone couldn’t address the nation and the world without knowing what he was going to say and also know what the ramifications of his decision were going to be. The cartel continued with the plan to fly a plane into the White House. At 8:10 PM, the plane is on target and heading directly to the Oval Office window. At the four mile mark, the remote pilot triggers the release of flares to confuse any incoming infrared thermal homing anti-air missiles. “Jefe, we are on track; our timing is good, we’re dropping flares to lure away any heat-seeking missiles.”

  The Secret Service on the White House roof didn’t hear the heavily muffled engine of the cartel’s small plane, they did see the flares being dropped as they lit up the sky. “RED ALERT, RED ALERT. Clear the House, we have an incoming plane; weapons are free, repeat, weapons are free.”

  Two Stinger surface to air anti-air missiles is launched from the White House roof towards the incoming small airplane. The missiles are attracted to and follow the falling flares. The senior agent on the roof scans the sky with a portable thermal sight, he sees the airplane less than a mile away, it’s slowly descending on a heading directly towards the White House. “RED ALERT, plane incoming, RED ALERT, no drill, repeat NO Drill.”

  Alarms sound in the White House; five agents push themselves into the Situation Room; they lift the President by his armpits, and carry him towards the elevator that takes them to the bunker located one hundred feet under the White House. Two other agents grab Ted and carry/drag him in a different direction. Additional agents tell the Cabinet and Justices to follow them into the tunnels that run under the White House. The tunnels connect most of the federal buildings together so key government officials can move between them without using the streets. The tunnels also serve as shelters. The group reached the staircase when the White House shakes from the explosion of the plane hitting the Oval Office window. The 2,000Kg of high explosives combined with the airplane's momentum and weight break through the Oval Office wall. The explosion creates a wall of fire that spreads into the White House. Fire and intruder alerts scream. The sprinkler system automatically turns on, drenching everyone still in the White House. The Secret Service tries to regroup when fifty men armed with automatic AK47s pour out of the area surrounding the White House; they rush into the House firing at anything that moved. Additional secret service agents, Capital Police, Washington DC police, and EMS reach the driveway of the White House when two large truck bombs explode killing 60% of the arriving help. The explosions also destroy much of the iron fence that surrounds the White House and dig a huge hole in Pennsylvania Avenue in front of the White House. Windows are shattered in an area five blocks around the White House. Protesters in front of the White House are cut down by the explosion, hundreds are killed, thousands more wounded.

  President Brownstone and his Secret Service agents in the bunker feel the vibration and hear some of the noises from the explosion, “What was that?” asks the President.

  “Mr. President, I’m trying to find out. We’ve got a RED ALERT warning for an incoming airplane heading towards the House. It must have hit the House. I don’t know what if any damage it caused.”

  “Did everyone get out OK? Is everyone safe?”

  “Mr. President, I honestly don’t know; there are fire and intruder alarms sounding in the House, my radio isn’t functioning. We have to assume everyone else got out. Sir, I suggest you activate the terminal, we may be at war.”

; “Thank you Agent Jonson, is the Major here with the case?”

  “Yes sir, I’ll get him.”

  An Air Force Major carrying the nuclear weapons release case enters the conference room in the new White House bunker. “Mr. President, Agent Jonson said you wanted to see me.”

  “Yes, Major, the White House has most likely been struck by an airplane, I don’t know if this is a single act or the prelude to general war. I’d like you to open the case.”

  “Yes sir.” The Major places the case on the conference table; he unlocks it and turns the case to face the President. The major turns to leave the President alone with the case, the Major asks, “Sir, do you need anything else?”

  “Major, you can stay. You know I never wanted to see this case. I have nightmares about this case.”

  “Mr. President, if you didn’t, I would worry.”

  President Brownstone picks up the red telephone which instantly connects him to the War Room in the Pentagon and the Command and Control room in the Cheyenne Mountain facility. Instantly two voices come on the line, “General Wilson, US Army, Pentagon War Room, General Sims, US Air Force, NORAD, Mr. President, we read you 5 by 5.”

  “Can either of you give me an overview of what’s happening?”

  “Mr. President, General Wilson here sir, a small unmanned airplane flying very low evaded our local air defense radar system, it was piloted by remote control like our UAVs. Its target was the White House; hence, we assume you were the intended target. The attackers thought you would be in the Oval Office giving the national address which you postponed. The plane was packed with at least 2,000 pounds of high explosive and gasoline to spread the fire the explosion caused. The plane struck the Oval Office windows; the blast tore a hole in the wall, shortly after the explosion, a number of men armed with automatic AK47 assault rifles attacked the secret service agents. At least ten of the attackers had made it inside the House before the Marines took them down. We have captured two of the attackers who were wounded in the attack. Sir, additional support staff arrived at the White House when two truck bombs exploded. Most of the protesters in front of the House were killed as were half of the support staff responding to the secret service’s call for help.”

  “Sir, General Sims, on my authority as CICNORAD I placed our forces on DEFCON 2 when the plane struck the White House. I also instituted ‘Case RED One’ where the military located those people in line of succession to the Office of President. Sir, just in case something happened to you, we wanted to be ready with the replacement to the office.”

  “Generals, no problem with that, I approved ‘Case RED one,’ you both have done very well, thank you. General Sims, where did you take the successors?”

  “Mr. President, the Vice President, was taken to Mount Weather, the Secretary of State is on NEACP, (National Emergency Airborne Command Post, a modified Boeing 747) it’s currently flying circles over New York State.”

  “Were there any other attacks?”

  Both Generals respond, “No sir, the only target was the White House.”

  “OK, let’s move to DEFCON 3, except for those forces around and in Washington, DC, keep the Vice President and the Secretary of State in their current locations, just in case.”

  “Yes sir.”

  Chapter 14

  Standing on the flag bridge, Admiral Chen picks up the radio handset, “Attention, attention, this is Admiral Chen. Today we secure for our people the entire Western Pacific Ocean. Today we increase the holdings of China. Today we will add 7,000 islands. We add the oil and gas deposits in the Philippine Sea; deposits most of the world doesn’t even know exist. We discovered them; we’re claiming them; they are ours. Our people need raw materials and petrochemicals; today we are taking a major step in supplying the materials our people need. Our orders are to take the islands and also to remove any possible threat from the Moro Islamic Liberation Front rebels. Premier Xing has given us orders that the rebels are to be crushed; the party doesn’t tolerate rebellion. First wave launch! Ships of the People’s Army Navy, open fire.”

  Forty-eight Chinese ships launch 630 cruise missiles at targets across the Philippines. Thirty-six Chinese Migs take off on bombing and combat air patrols over the islands.

  The Philippines watched the Chinese fleet draw closer. The Philippine military thought the Chinese were on the way to their previously announced war games. It was only when the cruise missiles launched did the Philippine military realize they were being invaded. The Philippine Military doesn’t have any modern fighters; they launch eighteen attack helicopters which are easily shot down by the Chinese fighters before the helicopters come into range.

  The Chinese cruise missiles strike the Philippine military headquarters, their radar installations, communications relay towers, and the telephone switching centers. Fourteen power generation plants are also destroyed. The Migs bomb the international airport runways, making sure no aid can come to Philippine’s assistance. The President of the Philippines calls President Brownstone, “Mr. President, we are under attack from the Chinese. They are firing cruise missile at us; they have a carrier launching fighter bombers. So far they’re attacking only our military and strategic targets. None of our cities has been struck. What can you do to help us?”

  “Mr. President, I’m sorry, but we don’t have a carrier battle group within a thousand miles of you, you may remember you asked us to leave our bases in your country. The soonest we could reach you is four days.”

  “Don’t you have any submarines or bombers you can send to attack the Chinese?”

  “Mr. President, of course, we have bombers, however, if we attack the Chinese we’ll be declaring war on China. Mr. President, I’m sorry, but I suggest you contact the Chinese Admiral and seek terms, there isn’t anything we can do to assist you in a timely manner, or with enough tonnage to make a difference.”

  “Mr. President, thank you, I’ll contact the Chinese.”

  “Admiral Chen, you have a call from the President of the Philippines.”

  “Admiral, I’ll like to discuss terms with you.”


  “President Brownstone, Premier Xing is online one, he’s scrambled.”

  “Premier, how are you today?”

  “Mr. President, I know you know why I’m calling.”

  “I assume you mean your invasion of the Philippines?”

  “Yes, the operation is over, their President has contacted our commanding Admiral seeking terms. Since you refused to provide any support, he had no choice but to surrender.”

  “Premier, this concludes our agreement. As we agreed, the Western Pacific is your sphere of influence, the Americas and Europe are mine. We agreed to discuss how to share the minerals in Africa later, so I assume your troops in Africa are there only to perform surveys, am I correct, and you’ll share the survey report with us, am I correct?”

  “Yes, Mr. President, you are correct. They are performing surveys only, and we are happy to share the results with you.”

  “Premier Xing, I really hope so. I took a rather large risk in agreeing to cede the Western Pacific to you. Remember our understanding; China is now responsible for breaking the back of the Islamic rebels across the region. You agreed to allow everyone free transit through the region. I don’t want our ships harassed or shadowed. If your navy plays games with ours, I assure you, your navy will lose.”

  “Mr. President, you don’t have to remind me, we don’t want them to stir up problems for us either. I suggest we plan a face to face meeting in a month so we can discuss options to deal with our friend in Moscow.”

  “Premier, I hope that will be possible, right now, my first priory is to settle the unrest in my country,”

  “Yes, we noticed your release of President Obsma’s documents had an effect different from what you expected. I didn’t realize the number of people in America that had grievances with President Obsma’s policies. I wish you luck, if there is anything I or China can do to assist you, please let u
s know.”

  “Thank you Premier, I will.”

  Premier Xing hangs up; he turns to the National Security Action Group that listened in on the call, “Does anyone have any comments?”

  The Minister of State Security speaks, “Mr. Premier, when you approached us with the offer from President Brownstone, I thought it was a trick, I didn’t believe he would stand by and allow us, even offer us intelligence, to manage the Western Pacific. Are you sure he doesn’t have an ulterior motive?”

  “Minister, you heard him yourself, what other motive would he have. As stated, President Brownstone knows America can no longer be, and doesn’t want to be, the World’s policeman. He doesn’t want to overextend his country, nor push it into another land war his people don’t support.

  “We made a deal to split the world into spears of influence. He offered us the Western Pacific up to the Philippines that we recently conquered with zero loss of Chinese life. President Brownstone wants to increase trade between us, and he wants to get Russia out of Europe. He can’t accomplish that if he has to watch his back here in the Pacific. By agreeing to his terms, we got what we wanted and kept our largest trading partner. I consider a deal to be a win-win for both countries. Of course, we have to fulfill our promise to handle the various uprisings.”

  “Premier, we in State Security also see it as a win for us. However, we are concerned the deal is just a little too good. We worry we’re missing something, hence our line of questioning.”

  “Minister, to be honest with you, I had the same feelings when the President first proposed the arrangement to me. In my dealings with the President, I’ve found him to be very honest. He puts his cards face up on the table; he showed us the merits and drawbacks of his plan. He told us if we crossed him he would unleash his strategic weapons and lay waste to China. He said he’d rather be our friend and partner, however, if we screwed America; he would finish us.”