The Shelter: The Aftermath Read online

Page 17

  “Doc, he wants to meet with Captain Black.”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “Doc, he told me he wants to see the Captain before he addresses everyone at lunch today.”

  “Does he know the Captain?”

  “Not that I know of.”

  Lacy looks confused, “I don’t think he’s ever met the Captain, I never heard him mention the Captain’s name.”

  “Lacy, doc, when I mentioned his name, Jay’s face lit up. There something important under the surface he’s not sharing with us.”

  “I guess we’re going to have to allow him to see the Captain, if he found out that we blocked him from seeing the captain, he’ll kill us.”

  Tony smiles, “He can’t run.”

  Doctor Basco smiles, “I know him, he’ll have a motorized wheelchair built, he’ll chase us down. Plus, we can’t outrun a bullet.”

  “He wouldn’t kill us.”

  “No, but shooting us in the ass isn’t beyond something he’d do if he thinks we’ve screwed him.”

  Lacy looks at the doc and Tony, “Tony, I think you should brief the Captain before he meets with Jay.”

  “Good idea.”


  Three hours away from the shelter, in Memphis, the ISIS troops set a third of Memphis on fire. They searched for every Jewish Temple and Catholic Church, which they torched with people locked inside. They enjoyed the screams and begging. They cheered and yelled “Allah Akbar” as the people were burned alive. They killed the old and weak, they took any young girl over the age of ten they liked to be their sex slaves. They set up classes to offer conversion to all who wanted to join them, they set up food, clean water, and doctors. All was free to all Muslims and those who agreed to convert. Thousands of hungry and thirsty agreed to convert for a hot meal. The ISIS commander sent the converts to a local Mosque to begin their conversion lesson which started with lessons in Arabic. The new converts were rewarded with extra food for turning in a Jew and any Bibles they found. Turning in Jewish hiding places were rewarded with the choice of women and additional food. The ISIS troops smile at the reflection in the clouds of the flames burning Memphis, they especially enjoyed torching Graceland. The mansion which was built in 1939 was burned to its foundation. They said the only Graceland was Paradise, which only the faithful can enter.

  The ISIS troops taught basic rifle shooting to their new converts, doubling the number of their troops. The leaders knew the new recruits lacked sufficient training to do anything except shoot their AKs which was fine with the Al Afi who planned on using the American recruits as canon fodder. They stole buses and trucks which they loaded with supplies as they started their path of destruction around the city on Interstate 240. They stole everything of value, they left a trail of crosses along the Interstate, crosses holding Christians who refused to convert to Islam. Crosses with men, women and children begging for mercy.


  Ricky was worried that Jay was recovering too quickly. He might be able to take over the community again. Jay aligned with the Army was his worst fear, it would mean additional fighting, more guns and additional dead bodies. Ricky accelerated his efforts to sway the community. He needed a different approach, now that Jay was awake and communicating, many switched sides back to supporting Jay. Ricky spread a few rumors that Jay wasn’t really communicating, Tony and John were sending the answers and comments to Jay’s tablet. None of the responses came from Jay himself. It was all an immense ‘dog and pony show.’ When he was approached about the rumor he replied, “It’s like Superman, no one ever saw Superman and Clark Kent together. Just like no one has seen Tony, John and Jay together at the same time. If they do, it’s only because Todd is sending the answers from the security room. Jay’s brain suffered oxygen depravation, he’s not able to think logically. I heard he failed a simple memory test. He couldn’t remember three words the doctor asked him to remember. How can we tell if we’ll be able to trust him to lead us again if he can’t even remember something told to him just a minute before he was asked to repeat it? Jay’s mentally damaged. We should love him, care for him and allow him to rest. Out of respect for everything he’s done for us, we shouldn’t burden him with any responsibility. It will only confuse him and us.”

  Ricky quickly succeeded in bringing confusion and disillusionment into the minds of much of the community. They became worried that Tony and John were putting on a show for them, lying to them. Tricking them so they could be manipulated and controlled. Ricky smiled to himself as he walked to the cafeteria for a cup of coffee. He was planning how he was going to twist the Captain’s words around to support his goal.

  Ricky got an idea, it was like the brightest light bulb lighting up over his head. He smiled thinking to himself, I’ve got it, in one swoop I can crush Jay and discredit Tony and John. I can do it openly in the meeting. I’m going to beat the son of a bitch at his own game. This is going to be fun

  Chapter 18

  John looked at their homes. He stopped mid-step in amazement of the rapid progress the Army was making rebuilding the homes. He didn’t want to look a gift horse in the mouth, but being an ex-Marine he knew nothing came for free. He didn’t know what the Captain’s price was going to be for repairing their homes, he knew it would be high and something they wouldn’t normally have agreed to. He worried when the time came to decide it might tear the community apart. John was also surprised to see the army removing the community’s mines and traps.

  “Captain, why are you removing our mines? You’re going to leave us defenseless. We spent five long, back-breaking days planting those mines.”

  “John, will you do me a favor and sit with me for a minute? I’d like you to calm down and hear me out. I had your mines removed so the land can be used for what it was designated for, growing food. If we didn’t remove the mines, people would get hurt working the fields.”

  John continues to stand and starts to pace in the field watching the troops dig up the mines he worked so hard to plant. “Captain, we controlled the mines via a central command system. You destroyed our ability to take down an invading force. If you wanted to kill us, it would have been more merciful to just put a bullet in our heads.”

  “John, trust me. Can you chill long enough for me to explain?”

  John’s trying to hold his temper under control, he continues to walk in a large circle watching the troops work. “Captain, I appreciate what you’ve done rebuilding our homes. I know everyone will be overjoyed that you saved them hundreds of hours repairing their homes. Many will even thank you for removing the mines so they can grow more crops and not worry about catching them or their wires in their equipment, but our entire defense relies on reducing the number of attackers before they can get close enough to cause us harm. Removing the mines is really going to hurt us. I don’t understand if on one hand you claim you’re here to help us while on the other hand you neuter us. How is this helping us?”

  “John, sit with me. Let me outline our plans for you.”

  “They better be good. I also know there’s no such thing as a free lunch, what do you want in exchange for rebuilding our homes?”

  Sergeant Grayson standing behind his captain doesn’t like John’s tone or hand movements, he moves to protect his officer and friend when he finds himself on the ground with a knee on his throat.

  “I don’t like threats and I don’t like people trying to sneak up on me. I wasn’t doing anything to harm your captain.”

  Captain Black looks at the commotion behind him, “Enough! Both of you stop it. John, the Sergeant heard you threaten me. On the other hand, I’ve never seen anyone move so quickly.”

  “I told you I was Force Recon, we make you green beanies look like boy scouts. We didn’t get the make you feel good green beanie that they ended up giving to everyone in the army. We knew what we were and what we were capable of. We got sent to the worst places on the planet. We performed the shit tasks the assholes in the puzzle palace
wanted to be done with no traceability. I don’t like having my nuts cut off. There’s going to be a problem at the meeting. It’s a good thing for you that Jay is not awake.”

  “He’s a civilian and an old man, how could he worry us?”

  “Captain, don’t underestimate him. I’ve seen him in action, he impressed me. I’m sure you’ve guessed who Tony is and why you shouldn’t cross him.”

  “I haven’t guessed who Tony is, who is he and why should I be concerned about him?”

  John laughs, “I’ve worked for Tony five years. He’s the local ‘Don’, he gets his share of everything that happens in Nashville.”

  “He’s mafia?”

  “Just consider him the head of the local families. He has his own army that numbers in the thousands.”

  “So where is this army of thousands?”

  “They’re quartered in different places around the city and its suburbs. He can have them wherever he wants them in short order, assuming there’s fuel to move them.”

  “Then why didn’t he have them here for the recent battles?”

  “Because he knows he has the shelter as a backup. If he needs them, they’ll be here in a day. He plans to use them to consolidate his power when things turn around. He’s currently using them to control the south side of the city.”

  “How do you know all of this?”

  “I run Tony’s security. I set up his communications network. I’ve seen most of his comms traffic.”

  “You’re in the mob?”

  “I consider myself a contractor. The money is very good, plus I got a berth in the shelter which most likely saved my life. I was supposed to be at the Opryland, which doesn’t exist any longer.”

  “I didn’t know. What happened to it?”

  “The same as happened to most of Nashville, burned to the ground by flash mobs and looters, hungry people looking for food and water. When the deliveries stopped and the food in the city ran out, people did anything they could to feed their families. They broke in and looted every location that might have had food. Hunger is a horrible thing, when your children cry because they’re hungry, you’ll do anything to feed them. When days go by with nothing to eat, you’ll go anywhere and do anything for food. You’ll begin to lose strength, in a week, you’ll have trouble standing up, in two weeks your organs will begin feeding on themselves. Your body will have used up all of its collected fat, in the fourth week, your stomach will be bloated, your skin yellow, your teeth and hair falling out. You’ll be in pain, in the end, you’ll die. It isn’t a pleasant way to go. No parent will stand by watching their children die this way. Children only last a couple of weeks without food. Captain, what would you do to save your children?”

  “I don’t have any, if I did, I agree, I’d do anything to save them.”

  “That’s what happened to Nashville. I bet it’s what’s happened or will happen to most of America’s cities.”

  “Which is one of the reasons I’m here.”

  “Captain, are you going to tell me what your orders are?”

  “John, I’m holding that piece of information for the meeting. Is there anything else you’d like to know?”

  “Yes, I’ve been watching your troops work on finishing Jay’s house, how do you know what he planned?”

  “We found his blueprints, we’re following them.”

  “Son of a bitch, I didn’t know he left them around.”

  “They were hidden, one of my men found them, come, dinner is going to be served, I hope you like steak.”

  “Did you kill one of Jay’s cows?”

  “No, we found one without a brand roaming free across the street. We also have a small supply of beer.”

  “We have a large supply of it in the shelter.”

  “What else did you inventory in the shelter?”

  “Ask, Jay, he acquired everything. I’m not sure anyone other than he knows for sure what’s stored in the shelter.”

  “Maybe you can answer a question for me.”

  “That depends on the question.”

  “Of course. What’s in the strange barns?”

  “What’s so strange about them?”

  “They’re the only barns I’ve ever seen that are made of steel reinforced concrete. The walls must be a foot thick. The doors have multiple locks. What are you hiding in them that’s so important to you?”

  “Ask Jay, they were built before I arrived on scene. I never asked what was in the barns.”

  “I’d hoped a fellow military man and officer would understand.”

  “How can I understand if you won’t share your mission orders with me? All I see is the right hand repairing our homes and the left hand digging up our defensive mines and traps. I don’t think this is an A=B formula. We had a plan to repair our homes, we appreciate your help. On the other hand, it took us a very long time to build, lay and wire the mines. I don’t think the community is going to be happy when you tell them.”


  “My name is John. I’ve been out of the Marines for eight years. Unlike some, I left the rank behind when I left.”

  “Sorry, I was just trying to give you the respect you earned.”

  “No you weren’t, you were trying to appeal to a side of me I’m not sure is there any longer. Why don’t you show me what else you’ve done to Jay’s property?”

  “Sure, I’d be happy to, do you mind if we ride, one thousand acres is a lot of ground to cover.”

  “What are we riding?”

  You have a choice, we have a few motorcycles or we can take a Hummer.”

  I prefer the bikes. However, we won’t be able to talk.”

  John and the Captain ride down Jay’s driveway in the Hummer, John looks around, “Stop.” He gets out at the bottom of the driveway.

  “Oh my God. I can’t believe it.”

  “Nice isn’t it?”

  “Chain link fence, topped with razor wire and poles with cameras ring the border of the farm and the street. John sees roadblocks on the street and guard towers with M240 machine guns in them.”

  “Planning on staying a while? Just moving in, regardless of what the property owner says. You are from the government, just a little eminent domain for the betterment of the people right? Whose government did you say you represent?”


  “Jay, son, you need to wake. You’re going to need your strength today. Black is coming with news that is going to upset the community, you will need to look past your personal issues and look at the large overall picture. Before you explode, listen to everything he has to say. Stay calm, which for you is very difficult. Remember, there are more important things at work here than just you.”

  “Dad, what are you trying to tell me?”

  “I already told you what I came to tell you. Son, I won’t see you again for a long while in your time. In mine, it will be very soon.”

  “I don’t understand. You’re not making sense.”

  “Don’t worry about it. All you have to do is open your eyes and begin to access your new world.”

  “Why do you call it a new world? Has something changed since I was shot?”

  “Son, use your brain before your heart. Remember Spock, son, be logical before emotional. Can you do that?”

  “I don’t know. It depends on the situation.”

  “No, it doesn’t. Promise me, you’ll stay calm long enough to listen and learn the entire picture before getting as you usually do, all emotional. There will be a time when you can be a hot head, but today isn’t one of them.”

  “I don’t understand, but I will try. Dad, before you leave, will I walk again?”

  “Son, everything is in your hands. Goodbye.”

  “What the hell does that mean?”

  Jay grabs the call button, pressing it, his room is soon jam packed with people.

  “Honey, did you all spend the night outside in the hall?”

  Lacy smiles, “That’s my Jay. How are you feeling?”
  “Sore, a little tired and hungry. Do we have any coffee?”

  Doctor Basco yells in while he’s trying to push people out of his way. “Jay, we made some very nice decaf for you.”

  “That’s not real coffee. I need some extra caffeine.”

  “Sorry, no caffeine for you for a while.”

  “Doc, you should have practiced during the inquisition. I bet you’re good at torture too.”