United States Invaded Read online

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  “Mr. Premier, I can assure you, the United States will stand with you on this issue. We will veto any vote that is brought to the floor of the Security Council.”

  “Thank you Mr. President. It’s good to have friends we can trust in these trying times.”


  On a mild Thursday morning, the Supreme Court of the United States convenes to hear the case of the United States vs. President Obsma. The court agreed to hear the case of President Obsma’s qualifications to be President and the status of the laws and Executive Orders he signed.

  The street in front of the Supreme Court is filled with tens of thousands of people, many screaming their support for President Obsma and others yelling their support to have everything he signed overturned. The crowd grows every hour until it swells to half a million people. The two sides quickly start fighting with each other. The Washington, DC, fire department can’t navigate the streets to bring fire trucks and hoses to the scene. The Capital and DC police fire tear gas into the crowd who came prepared with gas masks and towels which they wrap around their faces. The mob starts shooting at the police who return fire into the crowd. At 11:00 AM, there are two- hundred- fifty dead lying on the street. The crowd attacks the police with Molotov cocktails, which set five police cars and two police vans on fire. The dense black smoke can be seen for blocks. Chief of Police in Washington, DC, Karen Lanner, tells her captains, “This mob has to be dispersed right now. I don’t want any more shooting into the crowds. The networks all captured the shooting; we look like a bunch of murderers. If we don’t bring the situation at the court under control, I have it on good authority the President is going to send in the National Guard and declare martial law in the city.”

  “Chief, we can’t do it. There’s just too many of them. They're pushing us back at every intersection. Our people are getting killed out there.”

  “If martial law is declared we’ll be disbanded. We may even face arrest; all of us will be investigated. I don’t know about you, but I’m not going down for the way we treated the protesters. Get your people out there and take back the streets.”

  The Chief Justice begins the hearing by asking each side to state their case.

  The legal team for President Obsma makes an opening statement that there is no proof President Obsma wasn’t born in Hawaii. The documents the government entered into evidence were found in the Attorney General’s office safe. These are not public domain documents. The documents were the private property of the AG and as such, the government shouldn’t have made them public. Private documents belong to the holder and owner of the documents. By making the documents public, the government infringed on the rights of the AG.

  Justice Toney asks, “Let me understand this, your case is based on the government finding private documents in the AG’s safe, and you’re saying they infringed on the AG’s rights because the AG was hiding these documents? Documents that had they been public before the 2008 election would have disqualified Mr. Obsma from running for President?”

  “Your Honor, these documents were not disclosed at the time because it was felt they may have damaged Mr. Obsma’s chances to be elected.”

  “Counselor, they would have disqualified him from running. Have you ever read the Constitution? Does the term natural born citizen mean anything to you?”

  “Your Honor, the Constitution was written over 250 years ago, it never foresaw the waves of immigration or electronic media or semi-automatic weapons, so much of the Constitution is outdated.”

  “Counselor, it doesn’t matter when the Constitution was written, it’s the law of the land. You can’t just decide to forget it exists. If these documents had come to light before the election, Mr. Obsma would not have met the natural born citizen requirement and wouldn’t have been allowed to seek the office.”

  “Justice Toney, which is why those documents were private property.”

  “Let me ask you one question, do you deny the truth of the documents?”

  “No, I never said they weren’t truth, our case is they are private property.”

  “Justices, as the documents have been validated as true, I don’t think we need to hear any other testimony.”

  The Chief Justice looks around the bench; even the liberal justices are nodding their heads no. “I suggest we take a two-hour break.”

  The justices leave the bench to meet in a secure conference room.

  When the door to the conference room closes, the Chief Justice asks, “Given the documents are factual, given that had these documents surfaced in 2007 or 2008, Mr. Obsma couldn’t have run for the office of President, it’s clear he shouldn’t have run, and he didn’t meet the qualifications as were laid down in the Constitution. The question in front of us now is - what happens to every law and document his signed as President?”

  Justice Toney, responds, “It’s logical that if he couldn’t meet the qualifications he shouldn’t have been President, if he shouldn’t have been President, then everything he signed has to be null and void.”

  Justice Grinsberg replies, “No matter if he should have or could have, he did run, he won the vote and he became the President. He signed bills into law that were legally passed by the Congress, as such these laws should stand.”

  Justice Kennendy asks, “Justice Grinsberg, if he broke the law by running and winning, doesn’t that void his actions while in office due to fraud? How do we know that the bills would still have been passed had someone else been President? I think we have to overturn every law and order he signed.”

  Justice Bayer adds, “As much as I hate to say it; President Obsma was a fraud, I, too have to agree that everything he did should be overturned.”

  “Justice Sodimeyer asks, “What about me and all of the other appointees he made?”

  The Chief Justice thinks about it before responding, “That’s a very good question, and I think we all need to take some time to review the situation. We can’t afford to spend the normal three to six months reviewing the situation. The country is breaking further apart. If we take the time to review the legal history, which there isn’t, we’ll end up issuing a statement to a country that doesn’t care because it won’t be a nation any longer.”

  Justice Kagel says, “I agree, why don’t we each writeup a short paper on our thoughts and reconvene in three days?”

  All agree to the suggestion of a three-day break.


  The Russian and LSA ambassadors to the United Nations meet in the Russian embassy to discuss their presentation to the General Assembly. They’re pleased with the support they’ve gotten from almost every country. At the same time the USA, United Kingdom and Israeli ambassadors are meeting for lunch, they’re making jokes while discussing when the USA will issue the veto vote to end the United Nations movement to ban all nuclear weapons. The three are enjoying a nice lunch with two bottles of wine. They think that Puten’s game is going to blow up in his face. The three ambassadors have no idea Russia and the LSA are going to pull an end run on the three of them.

  When the United Nations’ meetings convene at 2:00 PM, the Russian delegate at the Security Council addresses the assembled ambassadors, “My fellow delegates and ambassadors, we all know why we’re here this afternoon. The threat of nuclear weapons and worldwide destruction by all out nuclear war between the so-called East and West have been a dark thunderstorm hanging just over our heads. In 1947, a group of scientists created the ‘Doomsday Clock’ which shows the time left before midnight when an all out nuclear would devastate the world. The clock currently stands at three minutes to midnight; it was recently moved ahead from five minutes to midnight after the accidental nuclear explosion in Minot, North Dakota. Three minutes, 180 seconds, according to these scientists - that’s all the time we have left. Three minutes, the equivalent of three American commercials. Let that sink in for a moment, the last thing we are all going to see before we die in a nuclear war is going to be three American commercials. As for me, I say, hurry up
and drop the bomb, having to watch three American commercials as my last act is cruel and inhuman punishment.”

  The room claps and laughs with the Russian ambassador.

  “The threat of nuclear war affects every nation, every person on the small planet we all share, as such I’ve asked the Secretary-General to allow my address to be shown to the General Assembly at the same time as you’re seeing it. The fear of nuclear war has hung over our heads for 69 years. I stand here before you as one of the largest holders of these weapons to say, no more.

  “The peace loving people of Russia have watched and sent assistance to North Dakota, our people have told President Puten, no more, our people have told our government they don’t want the same or worse fate to happen again. Please look at these videos from Minot, our close friend, the LSA, was the first country on the site; they delivered medical support within minutes of the explosion. The LSA doctors and nurses recorded many of these images. I want to warn you that many of these images are very hard to watch.”

  The video from Minot is shown on four theater sized screens in the Security Council meeting room and on eight screens in the General Assembly. The world’s media, both broadcast and internet are also invited to watch the video. The media is handed DVD copies of what they’re about to see. The video opens with images of the silo, a black hole in the ground; everything 2 miles around the black hole is burned black with nothing standing. As the camera moves further from ground zero, bodies or parts of bodies can be seen from the air. Buildings are either shells or broken foundations, no building above a few feet remains standing. The camera moves further away from ground zero, the images show severely burned people wandering around, most have no facial features; many are burned black from head to toe, they’re naked, their clothing having been burned or blasted off of them. A school full of screaming burned children. The camera’s lens records the devastation, the horrible burns, the firestorm burning out of control in the city of Minot. Images of people trying to get into a small river. The river appears black from the people trying to get relief in the dirty water.

  The video continues on ground level from the LSA doctors and nurses trying to assist the injured. The camera scans the lines of injured which goes as far as the camera can scan. Everywhere the camera looks is filled with injured, broken bodies, burned bodies, the destroyed landscape and the burning city. Smoke hangs in the air like fog. The images of the burned children cause many in the audience to cry and become ill. A few can’t watch the images any longer; they have to leave the meeting room to get some fresh air. The Russian delegate sees them leave, he pauses the video, “You can leave the room, you can get a breath of fresh air, you can take a drink of clean, cool water, the people of Minot can’t do any of these things. These people are locked into a permanent nightmare. Most will die a very horrible death. Most won’t live for another week. What did these innocent people do to deserve hell being unleashed in their town? Who’s responsible for this? I’ll tell you who’s responsible. We are all responsible; we’ve allowed these monstrous weapons to existing for more than 70 years. The peace loving people of the Russian Federation didn’t want these weapons, however, we had no choice, as long as the United States built these weapons and aimed then at our people, we had no choice but to build our own.

  “The time has come to say; this level of suffering should never happen again. We, the United Nations of the Earth have responsibility to the children and their children to never allow this type of disaster to ever take place in the world again.”

  An image of a badly burned child is shown on every screen, “Do you want your children or grandchildren to be this child? Do you want your children to suffer like this poor child is suffering? We in Russia say NO! We in Russia say we are ready to destroy our nuclear weapons and have started to destroy our largest missiles and their large warheads. The destruction of these weapons is being broadcast live on the internet so the entire world can see Russia stands behind our words. We are calling on every country to vote for a worldwide ban on nuclear weapons. We in Russia feel this is such an important issue, we propose the vote be moved from the Security Council to the General Assembly. We propose this unusual move so that no single country can veto the actions going against the desires and prayers of the world’s 7 billion people.”

  The council room is silent for three minutes; this is followed by applause, the delegates stand screaming “Ban-the-Bomb.”

  Chapter 16

  “What do you mean the New York Slimes ran a story that I have kiddie porn on my computer, what kind of crap is this? Wait, Nanny, watch this.” Picking up the telephone on his desk President Reid says, “Security, get me the publisher of the New York Slimes newspaper. I want them on the phone right now; I don’t care where they are, or what they’re doing, get them on the phone and buzz me when you have them.”

  “Harold, do you think it’s wise to do that before you have your computer checked by our IT expert?”

  “Why? I know my computer, it never leaves my office unless I take it with me. No one has access to it.”

  “Harold, it’s possible to hack any computer without having a computer.”

  “Oh bullshit, I don’t click on those crazy links or web sites.”

  “I really think we need to check your computer, where is it?’

  “On my desk, come on over, let’s run a search.”

  Nanny, moves the laptop, so it’s in front of her, BUZZ BUZZ, “Yes?”

  “Mr. President, Mr. Rosen the publisher of the New York Slimes is holding.”

  “Mr. President, your security said it’s urgent that I contact you, what can we do for you?”

  “Where did you get the story about my computer? I want it deleted, and a public printed apology issued right now.”

  “Sir, we don’t release our sources, as far as a public apology, are you willing to allow us or a third party to check your computer?”

  “Of course not, my computer is full of national security information. No one without the highest access codes can see what’s on my computer. There’s no way I’d allow you, or anyone in the media, near my computer. As the President of the LSA, I demand you withdraw the story.”

  “Sir, would you be willing to sign an affidavit stating there’s no pornography on your computer, you’ve never visited any kiddie porn sites?”

  “Of course I will.”

  Whispering so the speaker phone doesn’t pickup what she’s saying, Nanny softly says into Harold’s ear, “Harold, I think you should call him back, there’s something I want to show you.”

  “Mr. Rosen, I’ll call you right back, don’t leave your current location.”

  “Nanny, what’s so important?”

  “Look! You have thousands of files, all kiddie porn, someone tipped them off; they must have been tipped off from the person who hacked you. If you sign an affidavit, you’ll be committing perjury. They know what’s on your computer; they’ll crucify you if they catch you in such a lie.”

  “What should we do about this?”

  “I think we need to get in front of it.”

  “Harold, we’re not in front of it, we’re already behind the curve.”

  “Let me see these images.” Nanny turns the computer to face Harold; she starts opening the files, Harold’s face goes white. “Oh my God, where did this come? If this story spreads, it’s going to hurt us.”

  “Let me get our IT people up here to check your computer.”

  “Do it right now, this is bad. We wrote very strict laws about kiddie porn; no one is exempt, not even me.”

  “I forgot about that; you’re right, our national police force can arrest even you if they catch you with this on your computer. That means we can’t call IT, by law they have to notify the security group who will take your computer.”

  “Just put the files in the trash bin and empty the trash bin; that will clean my computer.”

  “Good idea, let me do it now.”

  Nanny smiles to herself as she mov
es hundreds of files to the trash bin and empties the trash. She knows any IT expert can reconstruct the files. She decides she may have to have a chat with the head of the national computer fraud department.

  “Harold, you should be OK now; I have a meeting to attend, I would be careful with how hard you push the Slimes, if they have hard information about your computer you’ll be in hot water.”

  “I won’t accept this slime on me; it had to be Rash behind it. I’m going to get even with him.”

  “Harold, be careful. I have to leave now; I’ll see you this evening.”


  In New York City, Samuel Rosen the publisher of the New York Slimes is looking at screen shots from Harold Reid’s computer. He asks his editor, “Rick, where did you get these?”

  “Sam, they showed up in my email, the attachment has screen shots, images of Reid sitting in front of his computer, and hundreds of images and file names.”

  “Someone hacked his computer, how do we know the person who sent you the email didn’t hack President Reid’s computer?”

  “Sam, we don’t know, do we care? This is a hot story; our beloved leader is a fan of kiddie porn? Think about it, this is a killer story. Even if his computer was hacked, why do we have images of him accessing the files?”

  “Have we checked the images to see if they’ve been modified?”

  “Our experts say the images and files are real.”

  “OK, screw Reid, we’ll run the story again tomorrow. Put a banner on our website. Censor the images and put them on our site. I think we’ve got the old SOB over a barrel this time.”

  “Sam, if we burn him, who do we end up with?”

  “Nanny, who else. At least she’s easier to deal with, we’ve dealt with her for years.”

  “I agree, we’ll make this a running series.”


  Rash and Ted Cruise are meeting in Rash’s office; both are reading the story in the New York Slimes; they’re laughing, so hard tears are running down their cheeks. Ted says, “This is so funny, I don’t want to know the how. I think this is the best news I’ve read in months. Do you have another plan of attack?’