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The Last Crusade Page 2

  “It’s Allah’s will. He wants the Jews to help us. I don’t understand why, but this is surely a sign from Allah.”

  The Egyptian President smiles, patting his friend on the back,

  “We will speak with the Jews, they have kept their end of the treaty with us, they have helped us before, I am sure they are calling to offer us assistance in this, our greatest time of need.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, my friend. You’ll see. They won’t let us down now. Let’s talk with our friend, it’s funny that the Jews might be our only friends in the world.”

  “What about the Russians?”

  “I don’t trust them. They would play us to gain favor with the Caliphate. I don’t trust the whore in the White House or the Russians. I can guarantee she won’t be sitting in her chair for a full four years. I know she’ll be booted out of office as soon as the Caliphate makes their copies of her deleted emails public. We will be in a better position with the new President. On the other hand, the Russian President will control his country for life. He has a much longer time to accomplish what he wants. He’ll use us as a bargaining chip with the Caliphate. He may help us today, but will toss us into the garbage bin as soon as we outlive our usefulness to his master plan.”

  “The whore could stay for eight years.”

  “She won’t make it. I know she won’t make it through her entire first term, it’s only a matter of time before one of the countries which hacked her server decide to use what they have on her to do their bidding. When that happens, their Congress will figure it out, maybe they will grow a set of balls and remove her from the office she bought and paid for. When that happens, it will shake America to her roots. They’ve never removed a sitting President before. It may turn America to the far right.”

  “Do you think she will follow Nixon and resign?”

  “No, the whore thinks she’s entitled to the position, she’ll never resign. She will have to be dragged out of the White House by armed guards. We need to buy time. Time for the whore to be found out, time for the American people to come to their senses and help us and realize they made a mistake. Their military knows they will have to fight the Caliphate; when they do, they will need us as their forward operating base. We only have to hold on until she’s kicked out of office.”

  His advisers nod, pressing the flashing button on the speaker phone, the President says,

  “Shalom Mr. Prime Minister.”

  “As-salaam Alaykum Mr. President and ministers of the great Egyptian nation. I believe we have some areas of common interest to discuss.”

  Chapter 2

  Ms. Clayton quickly learned she had serious problems at home and abroad, her friend the Mayor of Chicago had been forced to resign within a week of her taking office. The mayors of Baltimore and Newark had decided not to run for reelection. The media and Ms. Clayton are surprised when members of the ‘Black Lives Matter’ organization win elections to replace the three mayors. Their initial acts as Mayor win the support of their supporters and the shock of the rest of the cities population. They fire two-thirds of their cities police officers. They double taxes on business owners while increasing welfare and city support payments. They launch programs to pay people not to commit crimes. They quickly release most of the young blacks being held in the city jails. In their first month in office, crime in their cities jumps more than 50%. Chicago sets a new record of five hundred shootings in the first week of the month. Newark sets a record for the number of people moving out of the city in a single month. Baltimore breaks their record for the number of arson fires in a weekend. The three cities quickly resemble war zones in a third world country. Trash fills the streets, snow sits unplowed, the fire department refuses to enter certain sections of the inner cities. Real Estate values drop like stones thrown off of the closed Walmart roofs. People who could afford to, quickly move out of the three cities. Entire neighborhoods are emptied, leaving massive holes in the cities’ tax collection.

  The three Governors threaten to call up the National Guard to provide security in the cities. Hillary orders them not to call up the Guard or she will Federalize the Guard, taking them out from under the Governor’s control. She tells the Governors, it’s the people’s will, the Governors are to leave the cities alone and let them work out their problems.

  Ms. Clayton leans back in the President’s chair smiling, thinking, I’ve finally arrived at the position I’ve spent my entire life working towards. I put in my time in each job I needed so I could end up here. I stayed married to that skirt chaser just to prove I’m a good wife, what a joke. We hate each other. One reason we have so many homes is so we don’t have to spend time in one together. It’s time for my first Cabinet meeting, it’s time to begin molding America to my vision. Getting up, she walks down the hall to the Situation Room where’s she greeted with a standing ovation by her Cabinet Secretaries. She smiled, her mouth open, duh grin and gave them a small bow before taking her seat at the head of the table. She patted her Chief of Staff’s back, winking at her and remembering their enjoyable encounter the previous night,

  “Huma, what’s on the agenda for today?”

  “Madam President, we have the following issues to discuss;

  The situation with the Caliphate, NATO is concerned, they are asking us for our position, Egypt is again asking for military aid. The Israeli Prime Minister’s office has called five times; they are worried they’re going to be the Caliphate’s first target. They’re requesting we release advanced weapons to them.

  We’ve received additional requests for help from the police departments in the cities of Baltimore, Chicago, and Newark.

  The FBI has been without a Director since last May.

  The Russians have begun flying their bombers along our West Coast and their submarines are sitting off our major harbors on the East Coast. They have filed the proper paperwork to begin flying open skies missions over the country. The Air Force is urging you to reject the Russian request.

  The military is requesting rules of engagement when they meet Caliphate forces.

  The Ambassadors of Russia and China would like to meet with you ASAP on what they’re saying are very urgent matters of State.

  The TPP is still stuck in the Senate.

  Your initial budget is due.

  The banking industry is worried the formation of the Caliphate will raise the price of oil, harming the economy. The price of gold has started to soar.

  The first unemployment data is going to be released this week, the initial numbers are very bad.

  “Huma, really, that’s too many items for us to discuss in our first meeting. Let me see if I can cut the list down. As to our position on the Caliphate, we’ll support them. This is the natural evolution of the Arab Spring, they’ve finally gotten control of their own destiny; they’ve disposed of the monarchs and dictators who held back the people in the Middle East. I’m happy to have been the Secretary of State when the Arab Spring broke out, I was the first one to openly support the people in overthrowing their overbearing governments. State, tell NATO we’re supporting and suggest they follow our lead in respect to the Caliphate. Tell Israel, we’ve given them enough weapons, they should sit at the table and work out a treaty with the Caliphate. That was easy. Next?”

  “Madam President, what about Egypt?”

  “What about them? I’ve already told them we won’t be party to a war of Arab against Arab, I consider this their internal situation. We’re not going to get involved in a country’s internal situations. No more Iraq situations. Next?”

  “The requests for help from the cities that are coming apart.”

  “All they need is a little time to adjust to their new mayors. They were legally elected, it’s time for the minorities who’ve been oppressed for so long to have their own people in positions of authority. I’m sure in a month or two things will settle down. I don’t intend on doing anything. I believe they will be able to sort out everything. All they need is
a little time. I’ve ordered the Governors not to use the National Guard in their cities. In time, these cities are going to be the new model for the rest of our cities.”

  The Secretary of the Treasury asks,

  “Madam President, the riots are destroying Government property, it’s going to cost hundreds of millions to repair the damage from the fires and rioting; money that isn’t in our budget.”

  “Tell the mayors if they can’t restore order, we’ll nationalize their police force and we’ll take control of policing their cities. They must prioritize protecting the people’s buildings and monuments, except for any monuments which are racist or pay homage to racist people.”

  “Madam President, can we do that?”

  “I just said it! I’ll issue an Executive Order nationalizing every police force across the country so it’s all done equally.”

  “Madam, the people won’t accept us doing that.”

  “They’ll do what I tell them. I’m the first woman President, I waited years to reach this office, I paid my dues to get here. I won’t have a few minor squabbles mar my Presidency.”

  “Madam President, these aren’t little squabbles! The cities are burning out of control. People are dying every hour, there are mass shootings every day, there isn’t any rule of law in the cities. Frankly Madam President, the situation in these three cities is out of control. We have to do more than federalize their police forces, they don’t have any police forces left! Most were fired by the new mayors. People are leaving the cities at alarming rates. They are losing their tax base. When the dust settles, there won’t be anything of value left in the cities. The rioting will spread if it’s not stopped.”

  “Form a committee to review the situation and see what can be done. I’ll expect a formal report on my desk in two months, three at the most. Huma, announce to the press we’re forming a committee to work with the affected cities.”

  “Yes, Madam President.”

  “I’ve decided to appoint my lawyer, David Kendall to be the new Director of the FBI, I’m counting on each of you to support my decision and help moving him through the Senate approval process.”

  “That could be very hard.” Replied the Attorney General.

  “JUST DO IT! Tell the military they should stay away from the Caliphate. I don’t want to see them swinging their dicks to impress some poor Arabs who are forming a new nation like we formed ours. My budget isn’t ready yet, none of you have submitted me your updated budgets, I’ll expect them at the end of the week. Huma, tell the Ambassadors I’ll see them this afternoon. Right now I’m tired, this meeting has gone over the thirty minutes I set aside for it. My hairdresser is coming over to tint my hair, which is more important than sitting in here discussing bullshit. I have to look good for my interview this evening on MSNBC.”

  Ms. Clayton leaves the Situation Room followed by her shadow, Huma, who is as close to her as her daughter, a fact that her biological daughter hugely resents. The reality is Huma is a Muslim, her family are members of the Muslim Brotherhood. She’s also been Ms. Clayton’s lover for many years, despite her sham of a marriage to a former congressman.

  When they’re behind the Oval Office doors, Hillary leans over whispering to her lover and Chief of Staff, “Huma, what do the Ambassadors want?”

  “Ma’am, they refused to tell me. I informed both Ambassadors they had to inform me of the agenda if they wanted to meet with you. They both said it was personal. By the way, the Caliphate sent you a sealed personal message.”

  “Damn them, okay, book the Russian for an hour after my hair appointment, and the Chinese an hour later, that will be all for today. I’ll look at the Caliphate’s message later or maybe tomorrow. I’ll see you tonight after dinner, we’ll share desert together.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Huma smiles back at Hillary.


  Ali Muhammad Tanvir stands in the middle of a large round table in the Caliphate’s executive building. Each leader sits in one of the chairs around the circular table. Tanvir smiles thinking to himself, Arthur had his round table, I have mine. He had his Merlin, I’ll have my puppet in the White House, as soon as the whore gets my message she’ll be mine to control. It’s just a matter of time before Europe and America fall, then rise again under Allah’s flag. Soon, the entire world will be united under a single flag. Allah Akbar.

  “My friends, I’m happy to announce that we won’t have to worry about the Great Satan any longer, I have a secret weapon that will enable us to control her like a child plays with a puppet. I know for a fact she turned down Egypt’s request for military aid, they are all alone. Today we’re going to finalize our plan to bring Egypt into the bosom of Allah. I promise you, the Great Satan will stand aside and do nothing to stop us. It’s Allah’s will. Allah Akbar.”

  The leaders of the Caliphate cheer. They applaud their Prime Minister whose brilliant plan has enabled them to control the largest land mass in hundreds of years and placed them in a position to control the world.

  The Caliphate’s military leaders agree to present the Egyptian invasion plan, which they’ll launch at dawn in four days. The Caliphate’s senior general says,

  “Your holiness, thousands of tanks are being positioned along Egypt’s borders. Our combined Air Force is moving warplanes to bases surrounding Egypt.”

  Ali Muhammad Tanvir smiles, four days until the fall of Egypt, nothing can stand against our combined forces. Once Egypt has joined us, it will be time to strike the little Satan. We will complete the destruction of Israel, and next, all of the Jews worldwide. We’ll follow the Holy Quran’s instructions to cleanse the world of the pig Jew. Forever. With us holding the strings and controlling the whore in America, no one can stop us. Our time has come. First, I should place my congratulations call to the whore and remind her to read my note.


  “Madam President, the Prime Minister of the Caliphate, Ali Muhammad Tanvir is on the phone asking to speak with you.”

  “Huma, can’t you see I’m having my hair done?”

  “Ma’am, he said it’s extremely urgent.”

  “This job is getting tiring already, so many phone calls and meetings. Put him on the speaker, I’ll speak with him while I have my hair done.”

  A moment later, Tanvir asks, “Madam President?”

  “Yes, Ali Muhammad Tanvir what can I do for you? I’m extremely busy right now, what’s so urgent that it can’t wait for an appointment?”

  “Madam President, did you get my private message?”

  “Yes, however, I haven’t had time to read it, I’ll get to it tomorrow or the day after. What’s so important that you demand to interrupt me?”

  Laughing, Tanvir says, “From this moment, I own you. You will do whatever I say.”

  “What are you talking about? Have you spent too much time in the sun wandering your deserts?”

  “Listen to me, you’re nothing but an unclean whore. We hacked your little personal server while you were Secretary of State, we have copies of the thirty thousand, which in reality are fifty-six thousand emails, I’ve read all of them. I think the American media will be very interested in reading your deleted emails. I have read all of your secrets, we have arrested twenty-two of your agents. I think your media and public will especially be interested in the emails where you talk about your true feelings about the media and the people who so kindly elected you, I think the term you used was ‘unwashed loud mouthed swine’ yes, that was what you called them. What will the people who elected you think about you sleeping with Huma, a loyal member of the Muslim Brotherhood? Do you think you would have won the Bible Belt states if they knew you’re a sinful lesbian? Maybe I should start posting your emails on our website. Would you prefer I hack the White House site and post them on your own site? After all, they are your emails.”

  She mutes the phone, turning to her hairdresser, “Get out, this has turned into a private call. Everyone, get out and close the door.”

  After her haird
resser leaves the living quarters bathroom, she continues “How did you get them? I erased them.”

  “Listen, stupid whore, we were reading them as you were writing them, your server was as clear as a window. We’ve had total access to everything you wrote for years. I waited until the right time to use them. You’re now our puppet. When I yank your strings you jump. If I pull on the string to your right leg, you lift it. Are we clear? If you don’t do what I say, you’ll have the shortest term of any American President, you’ll also have a special place in history as the only impeached and removed from office President. Think about how history will treat the Clayton name, the only husband and wife team who were elected President and both impeached. What an honor and special legacy you’ll share.”

  “I don’t believe you. I’ve always wanted peace with the Muslim people. I helped engineer the Arab Spring. I supported the Arab people’s right to control their own destiny.”

  “You did, which is something I thank you for. You helped bring forth the Caliphate, which will shortly rule the entire planet under Allah’s flag.”