United States Invaded Page 21
“Do you all agree?”
All respond, “Yes.”
“I think I had better call the President.”
Picking up the telephone in the conference room the Chief Justice asks the operator to connect him with the President.
“Mr. President, this is the Chief Justice calling. Sir, we’ve reached a consensus and sir, it’s all nine for with none against.”
“What did you decide?”
“Sir, we decided that President Obsma didn’t qualify under the ‘Natural born citizen’ clause and as such shouldn’t have been allowed to run for the office. He and the Democrat leadership committed the largest fraud every committed on the country. Our recommendations are the leaders of the party who knew and helped hide the information be arrested and tried for fraud and treason; every act, every executive order, every finding, every law, every treaty, I think you get our drift, has to be overturned. We have to turn the clock legally back to January 19th, 2009.”
“Oh my God. I had a gut feeling this is where you would come out and yet I still can’t believe it. This is going to tear the country apart worse than the split with the LSA.”
“Mr. President, that’s another issue, none of us are sure the setting up of the LSA was legal considering President Obsma wasn’t legally the President of the USA. Consequently, when he was impeached, and you appointed, causing him to set up the LSA shouldn’t have happened because he shouldn’t have been President.”
“Mr. Chief Justice, why didn’t you find this before he was elected?”
“Mr. President, we can’t decide a case if no one brings us a case to review.”
“I think you might want to attend the cabinet meeting tomorrow. When do you plan on issuing your paper?”
“It will take us three days to draft a formal finding.”
“Thank you, three days notice is three days more than I’ve been getting with anything else. May I ask you a question?”
“Of course Mr. President, what is on your mind?”
“Is there any way to phase out the laws Obsma signed? Overturning them all will shock the country. We need time to redraft some of the laws, some like Obsmacare, has changed the country’s healthcare industry. Many insurance companies went out of business. We can’t just tell everyone to go back to their old policy. Most of those plans no longer exist.
“Who’s responsible for the trillions in losses and costs the Obsma laws cost people? Who pays for the damages of lost business? Let’s look at the auto industry, Obsma forced hundreds of dealers out of business, can get their dealerships back? You know they’re going to sue for lost business, closing costs, lost profits, the list will go on and on. Who’s liable in the eyes of the court?”
“Mr. President, normally I’d say Mr. Obsma would be liable because he defrauded the country. It’s going to be very hard to get compensation from him since he’s dead. One bright note is he didn’t commit the fraud alone, those who committed the fraud with him would be liable.”
“Thank you, can you find time in your schedule to visit me tomorrow?”
“Of course, what time should I be there?”
“How about 1:00 PM for lunch in the private dining room?”
“Thank you Mr. President, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
The next day, the press that is always watching the White House sees the Chief Justice arrive, they try to yell questions at the Chief Justice who refuses to acknowledge them. The media tries to figure out why he’s visiting the White House, a reporter at Wolf News reports, “It has to be about President Obsma, the Supreme Court must have reached a decision, he’s going to give the President a heads up which way the court decided. Either way they decide is going to tear the country apart again.” He turns to his sidekick asking her, “Janet, what do you think? Why else would the Chief Justice be coming to the White House?”
“Shawn, I agree, the only reason the Chief Justice would be visiting the White House at this time is he’s giving the President a heads up on what they decided. Which way do you think they decided?”
“Janet, if they decided Obsma wasn’t qualified to be President, then every law he signed has to be overturned. Can you imagine the mess this will put the country in?”
“Shawn, if the court decides President Obsma wasn’t qualified to be President, does that also mean the LSA isn’t legal? Will the court decide the LSA should vote again about seceding?”
“Oh my God, can you imagine if that’s what the court says. We could be in a real civil war.”
The Russian United Nations ambassador calls on the Secretary-General. “I understand President Brownstone has turned down your offer to sign the disarmament treaty, am I correct?”
“Yes, I personally visited the President and he flatly turned me down. He said he would never sign the treaty and would treat any United Nations peacekeepers that set food in the soil of the United States as an armed invasion. He said he would strike back at any of the countries who sent troops to America.”
“What are you going to suggest tomorrow at the General Assembly meeting?”
“Mr. Ambassador I don’t think we have a choice. If we want the world to be nuclear free, then we don’t have a choice. We either enforce the treaty or it’s not worth the paper it’s printed on. I’m going to ask the members to forward their military to serve under the United Nations. If we have to disarm countries by force, then that’s what we’ll do. Not even the powerful United States can stand up against the might of the world. We will land at many of their strategic bases at one time to overwhelm any possible defense they can mount. Most of the American defense will be centered on their cities to protect their citizens. I plan to avoid the cities and show the Americans we stand for peace. We’re only trying to make the world safe for our children’s children. Can I count on Russian support?”
“Of course. President Puten has pledged four complete Army groups.”
“Excellent, I’ll announce that tomorrow, his offer should put some of the members at ease.”
Chapter 19
Thunder shook the White House; lightning flashed outside the windows like flash bulbs. The storm matched the dark mood inside the White House. The Chief Justice and President Brownstone sat across from each other in the private dining room. “Mr. President, there is no legal precedence for what’s happened or how to reverse what’s been done.”
“As I understand it, every law, Executive order, finding and treaty has to be reversed. I have staff going through the records to find everything that he signed. My questions for you are if people were fined and or sent to jail for breaking a law signed by President Obsma I assume they have to be released, and their fines and penalties returned, is that correct?”
“That’s correct, whoever collected the fine and penalty will have to return it; I’d like to see it returned with the person’s release, and interest paid on the fine paid from the date it was initially paid.”
“Obsma signed a bailout that caused hundreds of automobile dealerships to close their doors, many of the employees and even some of the owners lost everything. Is the dealership reopened? In most cases, the property has been sold to someone else. The automobile manufacturers may have signed another dealer in the closed dealer’s city, does the new dealer have to close? Can the dealer sue the government for lost profits for causing the loss of their business? Let’s assume an employee of the closed dealership lost their job, they couldn’t pay their mortgage, and they lost their home. Can they now sue to recover lost income and to get their home back?
“Hundreds of thousands of people lost their jobs, they couldn’t meet all of their obligations. They didn’t pay all of their bills; their credit scores went down, increasing their costs for everything, and can they sue to recover their additional costs? Insurance companies have gone out of business; people have even died because of changes in the health care industry. Where does this end? Who is responsible for the pain and suffering? Where can the people turn for compensation
? If we aren’t very clear on the course of action in reversing the Obsma laws, the country is going to stop while everyone tries to figure out what to do. There will be millions of class action suits. If the Federal Government has to pay compensation, we will be broke very quickly.”
“Mr. President, these are all very good questions, we suggest we bring the Congressional leadership into the discussion so we can have an overall solution. I agree with you if we don’t have an overall strategy the courts are going to be swamped with lawsuits. The country will stop while hundreds of thousands of lawsuits work their way through the system. It could take many years for them to be resolved. The country will stop while the suits work their way through the system. Without previous cases to quote, these cases will take much longer to decide.”
“That’s my fear; everything will come to a halt in confusion; our unemployment will skyrocket, we’ll run a huge deficit, local towns, states and even the federal government will collapse under the weight of suits and potential payments.”
“Mr. President, normally in a lawsuit one side pays the other, since Mr. Obsma is deceased, he can’t make restitution payments; his estate can be sued, as can everyone who assisted Mr. Obsma in the fraud. If it can be proved certain people were responsible for the cover-up and fraud, they can be held responsible. Since we’re dealing with fraud, bankruptcy won’t release those committing fraud from their responsibility. Do we know who assisted Mr. Obsma in committing the fraud?”
“I’m going to advise the Congressional leaders; I’ll contact you later this evening after I have their feedback.”
“Mr. President, there are a couple of other things you should be aware of, since Mr. Obsma shouldn’t have been President, if he weren't President, he couldn’t have been impeached and formed the LSA. If you roll back the clock to January 19, 2009 then there isn’t an LSA. The second point and this directly affects the court, what about the justices Obsma appointed? How are you going to handle this?”
“If I make that announcement, the most-likely outcome is a civil war on the eve of World War 3. The country won’t survive both. I don’t know what to do about the LSA. I do think it would be best if the court released the information versus myself. As to the justices he appointed, I think it best if they submitted their resignations. Will they do that?”
“I believe they will, they’ve come to the conclusion that everything Obsma did has to be reversed, so naturally that covers their appointments. In fact, we agree with you that the announcements should be spread out so as not to shock the people. I can hold off the announcement for another 48 hours.”
“We’ll speak later this evening, thank you for joining me.”
President Brownstone knew in his gut he was walking into hell; he knew there was a high risk of the information leaking before the official release time. He agreed to go to Congress and hold a private joint session under the conditions that it was private, no press, no aides, no staffers, no cell phones and no recording devices. He asked the Secret Service to set up screening portals for the members of Congress. This upset the members who swore the President didn’t trust them, which was good because 157 members of Congress attempted to carry a banned item into the meeting.
When President Brownstone was informed of this, he laughed, thinking, “Only 157 members? I thought every one of them would try to sneak something into the record the meeting. If it went well, they would take credit and if what I’m going to tell them goes bad they’ll blame me. Glad Rash warned me not to trust any of them.”
The media smelled the largest story and conspiracy in history; they demanded access to the meeting. Every media request was denied. The press was even more angered when they learned none of their communications trucks could be close to the Capital. To keep the meeting private, the FBI and the military set up cell phone and WiFi jammers around the Capital building. No vehicle was allowed within half a mile of the Capital. This caused massive traffic jams that gripped all of Washington, DC, in gridlock for the entire day. The airspace over Washington was closed and patrolled by US fighters, any news helicopters were warned to land or be shot down. A couple of broadcast media helicopters was shocked to see armed F16s circle them ordering them out of the sky.
President Brownstone invited the Supreme Court Justices to the meeting, Ted Cruise, the Vice President, was rushed to Mount Weather in case something happened to the President at the meeting. Unknown to the members of Congress, 5,000 US Marines ringed Washington DC as an added layer of protection.
President Brownstone was introduced by the Speaker of the House; he walked from behind the podium to the front of the room. He stood looking at the assembled 330 members of Congress (reduced because of the split with the LSA), they stared back at him, many with distrust in their eyes, some with questions and some with anger. He smiled at Congress, “Ladies and gentlemen, I come before you today for an unprecedented briefing that must remain strictly confidential.” Laughing, “Yes, I understand what that word means in this town. Leaks are the way you do business. I’m going to start off telling you, any leaks will be met with repercussions none of you will like and as you’re going to soon learn, will be very damaging to the country.
“I’d like to have the Chief Justice start the meeting, which will answer many of your questions. Mr. Chief Justice.”
He turned the podium over to the Chief Justice. The Chief Justice explained the legal issues, surrounding the lack of President Obsma’s qualifications. He explained why they decided the way they did. He explained what has to happen and what their decision will mean to the average person and to the members of Congress. He tried to explain what the impact to the world could be.
The members of Congress all shouted at the same time. A couple of leaders of the Democrat party tried to shout down the Chief Justice. They said the court was making a purely political decision. The Constitution was outdated, and it should not matter where someone was born. The Chief Justice had a very simple response, “Then you should have started the process to amend it. The Constitution is the legal document that is the core of our country. Without it, we have no laws; we have no foundation. You can’t ignore a clause of the Constitution because it’s not convenient to you. Either we’re a country of laws or we’re nothing better than a mob. Which do you want?”
The Senator from the central valley of California responded, “He was elected, hence he was the President, you can’t undo the will and vote of the people.”
The Chief Justice, getting angry stands, “Why not? You do it all the time? It doesn’t matter if he was elected if he shouldn’t have been on the ballot. You seem to be overlooking the fact that he shouldn’t have been on the ballot, the leadership of your party were to have investigated his background and certified he was legal to run. Some of you knew and decided to overlook the facts, those who did will be found out, and I have some very sobering news for you. You can be held personally responsible for the loss of those who suffered due to Obsma’s illegal presidency.”
This statement sent the room into chaos. Shouting back and forth drowned out anyone who tried to bring order to the session.
President Brownstone stepped to the podium and banged against the microphone causing feedback which echoed off the walls. “Calm down. We have to reach a few very critical decisions. If we don’t reach decisions within the next 48 hours when the court releases their findings, the country is going to explode. There will be hundreds of millions of lawsuits that will overwhelm the country’s courts. We’ll be tied up in suits and counter suits for fifty years. America will be buried under a mountain of paper and blame.”
The Speaker of the House asks, “What are you recommending?”
“I’d like to recommend we roll the clock back to 2009; however, it’s not completely possible. So much has been changed in the last six years. Just the impact and roll back of the various bailouts will take years. Hence, I suggest we do a phased reversal. We can start with Obsmacare; we’ll form a group to meet with the insurance compa
nies who can act very quickly. I suggest we form a joint committee from both houses of congress and both parties to review every document Obsma signed and the impact to reversing it. This can’t be a normal congressional committee that meets for years with no progress. The people won’t stand for it. If you act like everything is normal, I can almost guarantee none of you will be reelected. I don’t care which party you’re in; I’ll make sure your constituents know you slowed down the process. If I have to, I’ll campaign against you. You were elected to serve the people, some of you defrauded the very people you swore an oath to serve. I won’t release the names of those who were part of the fraud if you as a combined congress do your jobs, if you play the normal Washington, DC, games, I promise you, you’ll wake up to find your names in every website as a supporter of the fraud. You won’t be able to get elected as dog catcher.”
The Speaker stands, “Mr. President, I just heard you threaten both houses of Congress, are you sure you want to stand on your comments?”
“Mr. Speaker, if you think you can bully me, I’ll start reading the list of names I have into the public record. Would you like that? Would you like me to make the list public? Would you like to explain to the world your part in the fraud? Frankly I’m sick of all of you. I swore an oath to defend the country. The first lines of my oath are, ‘I, Rodney Brownstone, do solemnly swear, or affirm, that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic’. I believe this is similar to the oath you took upon taking your positions. I do consider those of you who supported and assisted Mr. Obsma in defrauding the people of the United States to be domestic enemies. As such, per my oath, I have to defend the country against some of you sitting in this room. I am the Commander In Chief of the most-powerful armed forces in the world; I will use them if I must, to protect the United States. My message to you is very simple, don’t play games with me. You won’t like the results.”