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The Balkanization of America Page 3

  President Lawson slams down the handset, he tells the Texas Ranger commanding General,” I don’t think we’re going to get our gold back, can you plan an attack on Fort Knox?”

  “Mr. President, are you serious? Are you going to nuke Fort Knox?”

  “No, but I want him to think we are. Plan the attack and make sure the American spies have access to it.”

  “Sir, I’ll do that, on the other hand, I suggest we plan a bank job but not at Fort Knox. There should be a lot of gold stored in the Federal Reserve Banks in Atlanta and New York. Both are easier to hit than Fort Knox. I can have a plan for your review in two days. We have some people who used to provide security for the Federal Reserve Banks; they’re familiar with the security at the banks.”

  “Excellent, prepare the plan. How’s the border project coming?”

  “Mr. President, we’ve completed 75% of the wall along the Mexican border. We continued the wall the feds started and abandoned. We’ve put our prisoners to work building it. We’ve finished the border checkpoints along the main roads between Mexico and us and us and America. We’ve recently started issuing visas per your instructions. “

  “General, Thank you.”

  Next on President Lawson’s agenda is a meeting with the Texas Defense Minister. “Mr. President we’ve raised an army based on the National Guard troops that were based here. Once we declared our independence, most of the National Guard came over to our side. We have a current force of 35,000 people. More are joining every day, the reserve force has grown to 60,000 mostly citizens. All are being trained at Fort Hood. The additional troops will give us a force in excess of 100,000 people with the latest weapons in the American military arsenal.”

  “How are the discussions with the American Army and Navy units that are stationed in Texas going?”

  “Sir, General Craig the Commanding General from Fort Hood and Admiral Franks will be here tomorrow to work out a formal agreement. They have a combined force of 80,000 people, plus four hundred tanks.”

  “What about the Air Force?”

  “Sir, so far they haven’t responded to any of our calls.”

  “Their B 1 bombers would give us the range and power projection to ensure no one ever bothers us again.”

  “President Lawson, there is a rather sensitive issue we have to discuss, sir, the American’s want their nukes back.”

  “Mr. Secretary, what nukes?”

  “Mr. President, I understand, I’ll tell them we don’t have any idea what they’re talking about.”

  “Mr. Secretary, I want you to mobilize as many of your troops as possible to protect our border with America, I think President Obsma is going to declare war on Texas and launch an invasion.”

  “Sir, why would he do that? Doesn’t he have enough problems?”

  “Think about it, he needs something to focus the people’s attention on, he needs a massive distraction, why not a war to force us back into the union?”

  “Can he get the military to attack us?”

  “I think he’ll get enough of them, Lincoln got enough to fight the South, why won’t Obsma get enough support to fight us?”

  “When do you think he’ll attack?”

  “Within a few weeks, he has to, the people in America are upset, he went too far when he disbanded Congress, and in addition, almost everyone thinks he’s behind the death of the Chief Justice.”

  “I’ll get on the horn with the General and Admiral tonight so we’re ready when they arrive tomorrow.”

  “Good, Mr. Secretary, if General Craig will accept the position, I’m going to appoint him as our commanding General over all of the Texas forces. He has the experience we need.”

  “President Lawson, that’s fine with me, I hope he’ll accept.”


  Dense fog covers Harpers Ferry West Virginia. The militia loved the fog because it helped hide them from the oncoming DHS convoy which is taking new recruits from Ohio to Washington DC. Three days ago the militia dug up their ARs and AKs. When the weather reports said dense fog, they knew this was their chance to attack and also most likely get away with their lives. The militia spent a month recording DHS convoy schedules; they knew the vehicles would be coming through Harpers Ferry along state Route 340 at 7: 30 AM. Five militia members spent most of the night digging fox holes while five others planted homemade IEDs to stop the convoy. At 6:55 AM their scouts sent three flashes from a yellow tinted flashlight to notify the main group the convoy is on time. At 7:31 AM the convoy of four buses and four black Suburbans drives past the militia’s position. Sitting on the side of state Route 340 is a disabled car that has been left on the side of the road for the last month. Except for a parking ticket, no one had touched the car; the militia turned the car into an IED packed with homemade explosives and boxes of nails. When the convoy reaches the right location, the militia explodes the abandoned car IED, three of the buses are stopped dead in their tracks, and their sides are ripped open from the IED shrapnel. The convoy slides to a stop before the DHS agents can respond the Militia opens fire from their foxholes which are in a V formation putting the DHS vehicles in a “kill zone," the militia fires 2,000 rounds killing everyone in the convoy. The militia collects ten new M4s plus ten new-9mm pistols, in addition, they, find 10,000 rounds of ammo as a bonus one of their members finds six hand grenades. The militia loads the weapons and ammo into their trucks hidden by the dense fog.


  The midday news programs lead off with the unusual story that a number of nationally known reporters and bloggers have been arrested as domestic terrorists. The anchor on NBX news says, “We have some very unsettling news today. A few of our coworkers have been arrested as domestic terrorists, we have a very hard time believing our friends could be terrorists, if they’re not, then this leads to the question could the Department of Homeland Security have made a mistake? Could anyone now be deemed a terrorist? With the government, now taking all of the assets of a domestic terrorist, if the government makes a mistake do you still lose everything you own? Could this be the start of……..”

  Before the reporter completes his sentence, he’s cut off by the embedded government censor. The censors have complete control of everything broadcast. With a tap on the censor’s keyboard, the reporter’s career is finished. This time, a small part of the story managed to get broadcast before the censor cut off the broadcast. NBX was a trusted network, so the embedded censor wasn’t paying close attention to what was being said. When the reporter wandered off the prepared and approved script, the censor had been playing angry birds on his phone vs. paying attention to the broadcast. When he heard the deviation from the approved script, the censor reached over to flip the cut-off switch cursing the reporter, whose career just ended. And might take the censor’s down too.

  People begin to question why the government can put anyone who disagrees with them on the terrorist list. Once on the list you lose everything you own. Even if proven to be innocent, you return to find yourself homeless and penniless. When the government takes your assets, it’s impossible to get them returned. People sitting at lunch counters discussing the situation are concerned, everyone looks over their shoulder wondering who’s watching them, whose possibility is listening to what they say. They begin to question if their emails and texts are being read by the government? Is theirs the next name on the government’s list? Will they lose their children? What the hell happened to America?

  Chapter 4

  The Mexican drug cartels hold their quarterly meeting in Tijuana with their partners, the governors of the Northern Mexican states. “Carlos we have a problem. There’re too many peasants stuck on our side of the border. They’re demanding food and shelter; the Texans are almost finished building a wall along our border, they’re also building a security zone on their side of the border. I’m telling you this is totally unacceptable. They fire on everyone who tries to cross the border illegally. Too many of our excess workforce is stuck on our side that'll incre
ase our state’s costs. The national government will start to pay special attention to the northern states; we’ll have to increase our payoffs to the military and police further cutting into our income. The Texans are chasing your mules and our peasants back across the border, to make it worse, they follow our people across, and they’re destroying your product where ever they find it. I tell you; they’re invading Mexico. It costs us all hundreds of millions every week.”

  “Juan, I have an idea. First we should stop trying to cross into Texas. We’re losing too much product. They arrest our mules and destroy our product. Second, we should push the peasants across our bridge into Arizona, mix our mules in with the peasants. Third we keep the pressure up on the Texans from our side of the border; that'll keep the Texan’s focused on their border while we push a million peasants into Arizona. You Governors empty the local prisons, send them across mixed in with the peasants and mules. The American President is too weak to do anything to stop us; we’ll be able to rebuild our inventory in our major markets within a couple of weeks. Governors, you’ll be rid of your peasants and prisoners. How long will it take to get everyone into position?”

  “Carlos, in two weeks we can have a million lined up to push across the bridge to the North.”

  “Good, we’ll go in two weeks; we’ll arrange for the Mexican Army to provide security on our side of the border.”

  Fifteen days later, hundreds of thousands of Mexicans start swarming into Arizona, five thousand harden criminals are mixed in with the peasants and drug mules crossing into America. The criminal's rape steals and murder in order to get cars, money and clothing so they can disappear in America, starting new lives of crime. The Arizona Governor pleads with the President for help. “Mr. President, thousands of Arizonans, are being murdered, raped, millions of dollars of property is being stolen or damaged. The border zone is a now an active war zone; my people have become refugees fleeing for their lives within the USA. Their only possessions are what they’re able to carry. We need help; we need military support, health care, housing and food.”

  “Ms. Governor, it can’t be as bad as you’re making it out to be, these poor Latino people are simply expressing their rights, and we in America have been racist against Latinos for too long. The poor who live along the border between our two countries are coming here because they see an opportunity here. We should welcome these poor with open arms; we should provide them with their basic needs. It’s the humane thing to do. How could you request military arms to put fear into these poor, hungry people? I have to turn your request for support down, and I have to turn down your request to declare southern Arizona as a disaster area. The only disaster is how we’ve been treating these poor, hungry people for years.”

  “Mr. President, these are not poor, hungry families, these are hardened criminals, as soon as they cross the border they attack Arizonian families that lived along the border. They’ve broken into homes; they’ve killed the men, raped the women and girls, they’ve stolen everything of value, and they’ve burned homes to the ground. Mr. President, we need help, we stand a chance of losing Arizona.”

  “Madam Governor, you’re telling stories as a spoiled little girl who got caught with her hand in the cookie jar. You sound like one of my daughters when we catch her doing something she shouldn’t be doing, you whine just like my girls. Please Madam Governor, go see the truth for yourself. These stories of crime are phony, they’re lies pushed by the Tea Party and the Coke brothers who support the racist right wingers; which we know you’re a member of.”

  “Mr. President, these are not lies. Should I send some of the raped women and hacked up men who were lucky to survive to DC so you can see for yourself?”

  “Madam Governor don’t harm people to put on your little show. And don’t try to take this lie to the media; I’m going to instruct the DHS that if you take to the airwaves, you’re committing an act of treason by putting American lives in danger. Good day Governor.”

  The Governor of Arizona throws the phone against the wall in anger. “That little dictator, we need help; he took the National Guard away from me, and all I have left is the state police.”

  Her chief of staff says, “Madam Governor, there are many militias in the state, why not call for their help? We have plenty of arms stored to equip them with. We have many ex-military living in our state, and we can also ask Texas for assistance.”

  “I like the idea of asking our own people for help. If we’re not careful, however, the President might declare our people domestic terrorists for defending their homes from people he sees as entitled to whatever we have. If we ask the Texans, they may and most likely will ask us to join them for an exchange for the help. We would be in a worse position than we are now; we’d be fighting the Mexicans on one border and the Americans on the other. Place a call for help to the militias and any of our people with military experience. We’re arm them, maybe they can slow the flood of criminals across the border.”

  “Madam Governor, we can destroy the bridge they built. If we bring their bridge down, that will slow them down to a crawl.”

  The Governor thinks for a minute; she shakes her head saying, “I don’t know how to bring the bridge down, can’t we do what they do in the movies, you know place some explosives on it or drop some bombs or something on the bridge, how do they do it in the movies?”

  The Governor’s chief of staff answers, “I don’t know how to bring the bridge down either. I’ll find someone who knows how to destroy it.”

  Before the Governor can even ask the militias for help, the militias have started fighting the Mexican criminals. The militias set up a road block to stop the flow coming across the border. Armed with hunting rifles, shotguns and a few ARs and AKs which they’d hidden, they fire on the people crossing into Arizona. Hearing the firing, the Mexican Army providing security decides to cross the border into Arizona. Ten armored vehicles cross into America; they destroy the roadblock, killing most of the militia members. The Mexican Army Captain decides to station five of his vehicles on the American side of the border to ensure his people can come and go as they please.

  The President’s Secretary of Homeland Security enters the Oval Office, “Sir, the Mexican army has crossed the border, and elements of their army are on our side of the border, we should push them back; this will be viewed by our base as an invasion of America.”

  “Edger, it’s not an invasion, it’s an uncontested arrival, they will return when they’re finished reviewing the area on our side of the bridge. May I remind you, that bridge that didn’t cost us anything has also provided many jobs, it helps our economy? I’m not going to do anything. “

  “Sir, many people will see this as an invasion that you’re allowing to take place.”

  “I’m telling you; it’s not an invasion. How can this be an invasion if we’re not opposing them?”

  “Mr. President, that’s the entire point, we need to oppose the Mexican army.”

  “Please leave me, you’re very confused, you don’t even know what an invasion is.”

  The people of Arizona and western Texas join with the Arizona State Police and militias to fight a people’s war against the invading Mexicans. A War of Molotov Cocktails vs. Armored vehicles is won by the large numbers of American citizens who stand their ground to fight the Mexicans. Hundreds die in the fighting, when one brave American fell, another took their place pushing forward, fighting with weapons provided by the State Police, hidden arms, and homemade bombs the Americans pushed the Mexicans back across the border. Ten ex-Special Forces rig the bridge with explosive charges. At 1:00 PM, an hour after of the last Mexican returned across the bridge, the Special Forces bring the bridge down. The Mexican drug cartels place a reward of $5 million for the death of the Arizona Governor. They also sent an invoice to the Governor in the amount of $700 million to compensate for the destruction of the bridge, damaged freeway and lost profits. Upon hearing about the destruction of the bridge, the President called the AG, “I
want the Governor of Arizona arrested.”

  “Sir? We can’t arrest a sitting Governor.”

  “Arrest her or kill her, she went against my orders; she destroyed the southern bridge; she broke federal law by arming her citizens with assault rifles. She committed an act of war against Mexico.”

  “Yes sir, I’ll send a team to arrest her.”

  A DHS Gulfstream IV lands at the Sky Harbor International Airport, it’s met by a line of black DHS Tahoes. Ten armed DHS agents climb into the SUVs to arrest the Governor. On entering the statehouse in Phoenix, the lead agent says, “Madam Governor, we have a warrant for your arrest.”

  She looks at the agents, laughs and says, “Go home; you’re crazy if you think I’m going with you.”

  The DHS agents draw their weapons getting the jump on the Arizona state police who are guarding the Governor. The DHS agents push the Governor to the floor, handcuffing her arms behind her back. The agents quickly return to their Gulfstream with the Governor before the State police can respond. Two DHS agents are providing security for the Gulfstream open fire with automatic weapons at the Arizona state police cars who try to block the plane from taking off. The citizens of Arizona rise in protest, tens of thousands jams the streets of Phoenix. The media takes the President’s side saying the Governor has independently declared war on Mexico and has to be arrested to stop the breakout of a war between America and Mexico. The media points out that only a very unbalanced person would order the killing of thousands of innocents. The people of Arizona knew better, they stormed the local media stations, burning most of them to the ground; they hang two television anchors who claimed the Governor had declared war on Mexico. Many of the citizens who had lived along to the border and were wounded or raped by the Mexican criminals post their stories on the internet. Pictures of the American dead and their burnt homes fill the web. Many people realize the President refused to provide security for the people of Arizona.