The Balkanization of America Read online

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  The Speaker turns to his ranking security officer saying, “Take all of the FEMA people into custody, disarm them, and lock them up. I feel much safer with your people here.”

  “Sir, General Brownstone felt you might require a little-armed support.”

  “I’ll thank him later; we have a vote to take ASAP.”

  Congress feels right at home in the facility; the conference room was modeled on the Capital; the Speaker calls the House to order.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen, I hereby call the House of Representatives to order. I’m extremely happy everyone was able to make it here. Everyone knows the plan, as such I hereby place bill HR 1782 on the docket, it’s a bill to increase funding for the Department of Homeland Security, I’m sure this will sail right past the President, which will validate us.”

  The vote passes 400 to 35, 13 votes against it on the General principles of not wanting to vote an additional penny for the DHS, 22 refuse to vote for anything that will trap their hero, the President.

  The Senate passes the bill 98 to two; sending it to the White House for the President’s signature.

  The President’s chief of staff enters the Oval Office carrying a recently printed sheet of paper, “Mr. President, we have a very unusual situation; Congress just passed an increase to the Department of Homeland Security’s budget.”

  “Well, I’m happy to see someone over there has some brains. Maybe this is the Speakers way of making up with us, give it to me, I’ll sign it. This bill makes the extra money we’re spending legal. How nice of the Speaker to legalize the money we’re already spending.”

  “Sir, aren’t you a little concerned that they passed this bill after you sent them home?”

  “No, I think this is very good news, it shows the House and Senate want to work with me, this will make it all but impossible for us to be stopped. Return the signed bill back with a note expressing my thanks for working with us.”

  “Mr. Speaker, he fell for it, he signed the bill into law and even thanked us for it.”

  “Good, let’s huddle to ensure our case for impeachment doesn’t have any holes he can use to sneak out of it. Has the press responded to the invitation to attend a special vote in support of the President?”

  “Yes sir, all four of the networks are sending reporters and camera crews.”

  “I want to speak with Shawn, and Glen; they need to know in advance what we’re doing, so they don’t blast us on their shows. We’re going to need their support, so they don’t get their listeners wound up against us.”

  “Sir, I’ll set up a conference call with them.”


  “General, the President, fell for it; the Speaker said the impeachment vote will take place in a couple of days.”

  “Good, will our people be in position when Congress votes?”

  “Yes sir, we’re worried about the Secret Service. “

  “We have a plan to handle them, please get me Admiral Zander on the horn, scrambler code alpha two two.”

  “Admiral, the Speaker, is going to bring the impeachment vote to the floor in a couple of days, is your side of the plan going to be ready?”

  “Yes general, we’ll be ready to go, we’re altering course to be in position.”

  “We’ll talk again in twelve hours.”


  “Ron, did you have pancakes recently? I assume you have our timeline? When do we move?”

  “The vote is supposed to be in a couple of days; we’ve been ordered to prepare for deployment, we move out tomorrow evening.”

  “I’m glad the President rescinded the curfew. I worry about the security around our target.”

  “As long as we keep to our timetable we should be OK. Let’s wrap up our personal businesses in case we don’t return. Kathy, are you sure you want to do this?”

  “Yes, if something happens to you, I want to be there.”

  Chapter 7

  America wakes on October 14, 2015, to a bright clear Wednesday that many looked forward to. The second Wednesday of every month is when more than half of the country receives their Social Security, disability and government retirement direct deposits. Many are about to find out this Wednesday is different from other second Wednesday. People wake and check their bank accounts online before they leave to go shopping; most sat down in shock; many rebooted their computers and smartphones to see if they had made a mistake. Many called their bank wondering where their money is. People are enraged, how were they going to put food on the table, or pay their rent, or buy their drugs? The banks all said the transfers are made electronically; there's no person in the loop. Most have no idea what that meant. They kept demanding their money from the banks. The banks got tired of repeating the information, most simply changed their recorded phone greetings to inform people calling, the bank has no idea what's going on.

  People vainly try to call the various government offices that provide the benefits; none answered. The one answer, no one, believed is the government simply lacked the available funds to make the payments. The Secretary of the Treasury decided to hold the deposits until China agreed to the terms of a five hundred billion dollar bond purchase or they agreed to the purchase of tens of thousands of acres of land. At 10:00 AM EDT, the Secretary of the Treasury, goes on national television to announce there will be a short delay in funding the various programs. He tries to explain it should be no more than a week before the deposits are made. At 10: 05 AM the riots begin, people walk out of Wal-Mart and other stores with full shopping carts not even pausing at the cash register, they give the finger to the workers at the door checking receipts which they simply push past. Conditions turn ugly when the police arrive to stop the looting; rocks, baseball bats, and even food is thrown at the police by the looters, who respond with tear gas and rubber bullets. Within an hour, many of the looted stores are torched; giving the looters additional motivation to speed up their looting and rioting. The fire department can’t get close enough to the stores to put the fires out due to the people rushing in and out of the stores. Many of the looters turn on the firefighters

  Many of the major supermarkets and big box chain stores hire armed security guards to protect their remaining inventory, no one is allowed inside unless they can prove they have a resource to pay for their purchases. Credit and debit cards must be preapproved before people shop; they are only allowed to purchase up to their preapproved limit which is applied to the cards with a label maker. Many argue with the security guards that they have more credit than they do. People try to explain they need more credit in order to feed their families. Crowds gather in front of the stores yelling that the stores are discriminating against the poor, many start pushing the security guards who in some cases are pushed through front plate glass windows. The crowds push themselves into the stores, taking everything in sight. A couple of the security guards fire into the looters, some go down which enrages the others behind them. As the wounded go down, the crowds turn more violent; they beat most of the security guards to death. The stores are stripped bare. The scene is repeated all over the country. Governors call the state police to help protect the remaining stores from being looted and burned. While the stores are looted and set ablaze some militias arrive before the state police, the rioters turn on the militias who fire into the crowds of looters wounding and killing many. When they hear the police sirens approaching, the militias fade away, leaving dead and wounded bodies behind. The state police investigate the crime scenes; most decide not to tell the DHS what they’ve found for fear they will cause more problems than the state police already have. The dead are lined up for the coroner; ambulances arrive for the wounded. The police tell the wounded to keep their mouths shut when asked who shot them. A couple snicker thinking to themselves, they're going to blame the police.

  The evening national news programs carry the story, "Hundreds killed by police as they try to buy food for their families." The protests against the state police for the killings grow out of control, many of
the governors decide they have to suspend or terminate their State Police Captains in order to make a "good showing" to the people. Many in the inner cities decide suspension or job termination isn't good enough. Local radio stations broadcast and tweet the home address' of many of the state police officers, crowds gather at their homes, many of the senior police officers see their families dragged out of their homes, beaten and raped while their homes are torched. Off-duty officers retaliate by going into the inner cities beating up everyone they encounter, local militias add their man and firepower to the attacks against the gangs, usually setting entire inner city blocks on fire. The conditions in many of America's largest cities resembles a third world nation war zone.

  President Obsma orders the DHS to control the cities, he orders them to disarm, everyone, even the local police officers. President Obsma demands that the DHS arrest them, or shoot them, do whatever is required to neutralize the situation; they are harming innocents who are only trying to feed their families. The President goes on national broadcast television to ask people to be patient while their government sorts out the payment issues, the government hopes to start making payments within the next two weeks.

  People listening to the speech almost faint when they hear the President say two weeks, they realize most will starve if they don't have funds for two weeks. In the next four days, the number of attempted bank robberies increases 500%. People across the country are panicking.


  The Speaker of the House calls the House of Representatives to order. "Our first order and only item of business today is the debate and vote on the articles of impeachment against President Obsma.

  I'm going to limit debate to five minutes per Representative. I'm going to call on each Representative by state before we begin are there any questions?"

  The Democratic Representative from a third district in New York City stands to address the members of the House, "Mr. Speaker, Representatives, since the President has put Congress into recess this entire debate, and vote are nonbinding and, in fact, very well might be illegal. I'm calling on every Representative to stand up and follow me out of this room, the Speaker can't go against the orders of the President."

  The Speaker responds, "Mr. Representative, we're at this point because the President ordered the Congress into recess. He lacked the constitutional right and authority to order us into recess; this added to all of his other executive orders greatly exceed his authority."

  "Mr. Speaker, may I comment?"

  "Of course."

  "The President acted because this body and the Senate are deadlocked in useless debate. Our debate is not helping the country move forward, while we sit in the endless debate on every issue of importance to the American people, they are hurting; they need our help, all the while we debate without coming to any conclusion. The President heard the cries of the American people; he listened to their needs; he acted when no one else in Washington would. He moved to save the nation, he single handily cut unemployment; he single handily brought 900,000 people out of poverty by increasing the minimum wage. He gave the country affordable health care; he ended the wars of conquest the previous administration started, he brought our army home; he cut our wasteful, bloated military complex; he gave the people a new retirement program. My fellow Representatives our President is the greatest President this country has ever had, we’ve been called here by the Speaker to vote on articles of impeachment because the Speaker is a racist. We shouldn’t be here; I for one am not going to stay here and debate with a racist Speaker of the House.” The Representative stands up and leaves the conference room; he’s followed by most of the Congressional Black Caucus. The Speaker’s words follow the Representatives leaving the conference room. “This President has broken his oath more than any other; this President has pushed the country in a race and class war, this President has undermined the three branches of our government, the President rules as a dictator not a President. This President called in the United Fucking Nations for Christ’s sake; UN peacekeepers here on American soil is totally unacceptable. This President pushed aside the first, second, fourth and fifth amendments. Go, return to your master, give him these words, his days of rule are coming to an end.”

  The Representative from Southern Georgia stands to be recognized, “Mr. Speaker, if we succeed in impeaching the President, are we left with his sidekick, Joe Braindead?”

  “Good question, I’d like us to impeach both of them together and the AG,”

  A number of Representatives jump up yelling, “Wait a minute, you’re asking us to impeach the President and Vice President so you can become President? No, you can’t count on me to vote yes if you’re going to become President, frankly Mr. Speaker, you’re not cut out to be President. You’re not strong enough to hold the union together; you’ll alienate the left and the right.”

  The majority in both parties agree, they don’t want the Speaker to become President. The meeting in the House slips into yelling on both sides of the aisle. The meeting resembles a mob of children more than it does the elected officials in the House of Representatives.

  The Senate explodes over the same topic; they join the House in their nonsupport of the Speaker becoming President.

  The majority of Representatives and Senators hold a heated debate about what they should do and who should become the next President, they agree they can’t impeach the President without a successor.


  “Brad, I got the message we were waiting for, it’s on for tonight. We’re going to attack a DHS prisoner convoy; they’ll have two buses full of political prisoners. We’re going to free them while teaching the DHS clowns some of us have teeth that we’re willing to use.”

  “Ron, what time are we leaving? Where are we going?’

  “We leave at 1:00 AM, we’re going to intercept them on I-95 south. They’re taking people to Quantico. By the way, wear all black.”


  The United Nations troops camp out in the north parking lot of the Pentagon, they’re not expecting any trouble since there hasn’t been any in weeks. They stopped stationing guards every 50 yards four days ago. Some of the local women have even paid social visits to the UN’s camp. What the UN troops didn’t know was the women are mapping the camp, some paced out the number of steps between the command tent, medical tent, and the armory. On the agreed upon evening, some of the women pour clear liquid surprise into the UN’s coffee and soup, others spread other chemicals in the restroom tents, others took over at the local dry cleaner who cleaned and pressed the UN troop’s uniforms. Their uniforms are treated with a chemical that produces chemical burns on the skin within an hour of putting on the uniforms.

  At 2:30 AM hundreds of UN troops line up outside the restroom tents. Hundreds of others are reporting chemical burns on their legs, arms, chest and back, Patriots can slip into the camp unseen by the sick troopers, they loot the armory stripping it clean of weapons and ammunition. Others leave behind homemade firebombs and anti-personal IEDs. At 02:55 AM, the bombs explode setting most of the camp on fire; those trying to help put the fires out are injured when additional IEDs explode five minutes after the fires started spreading nails and BBs through the camp. The IEDs shred the tents and those trying to assist the wounded. The kitchen propane tanks explode killing hundreds more. Within an hour of the attack 400 UN troops are dead, another 300 are wounded from the IEDs, and an additional 225 have been put out of action by chemical burns, many of whom will require hospitalization.

  At 2:45 AM a DHS convoy of eight vehicles transporting prisoners to a new federal prison located in Quantico Virginia traveling south on interest 95 run into trouble. When the leading HUMVEE and Suburban pull a line of construction markers abreast, the markers explode tearing apart the leading vehicles which hold most of the guards. The tail vehicle with three guards is attacked by Patriots using weapons that were stolen from the DHS secure warehouses. Ron and I are in the group responsible for taking a bus. Our orders are to tie up
the driver, find his keys, unchain the prisoners and take them to where we’ve hidden our vehicles. Our orders are to take them to the iHOP where Joshua will take them to a safe location. Those with families are going to be very surprised to see their families waiting for them at the iHOP.

  “Brad, we did good, we’re going to do it again in three nights along Route 7 before they reach the Beltway.”

  “Ron, Route 7 is a congested road, it’s only two lanes wide on each side, the area where Route 7 and 495 merge is very close to Tysons Mall, it's busy every hour of the day, how are we going to pull it off without someone seeing us?”