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The Alien Whisperer: Book 1, 1947 to 1959 (The Alien Whisherer) Page 6

  Yahnig was shocked; he stared at Kalteck as if he’d seen a real ghost. He was so shocked he forgot to exhale.

  Kalteck smiled, “Captain, I suggest you exhale, you need to maintain steady breathing.”

  “Who are you? What are you? Mars? Really? What the hell? What kind of joke is this? Mr. President, you should call your Secret Service agents, this person or thing may be a danger to you.”

  “Captain, please remain calm. I assure you I am not a threat to the President or you. It is my pleasure to officially meet you. President Truman told me he was going to select a warrior to be the interface between us. I am pleased he choose a warrior; we will have much to discuss and share as I am also a warrior.”

  Yahnig was still speechless; he continued to stare at Kalteck, “Sir, is this real? Is this some type of new loyalty test?”

  Truman smiled, “Colonel, I assure you this is all real. Mr. Kalteck…”

  “Mr. President, just Kalteck is fine.”

  “I’m sorry, Kalteck made himself known to Chairman Stalin and myself very recently, he had a very interesting story to tell us. After digesting it, I decided I needed a special officer to command the new department I was going to establish to work with our new friend. You’re the first name that came to mind. Since you’ve accepted the position, I am promoting you to the rank of Colonel and frocking you to the rank of Brigadier General pending approval by Congress. Your agency will be in charge of creating a cover story about flying objects. I really don’t care what excuses you come up with. The key is the truth doesn’t come out before we want it to. Kalteck said he thought if word of life among the stars came out, it would cause worldwide panic. I agree with him, which is why the creation of your agency to cover the existence of aliens.”

  Everett stood speechless, “Sir, how long will I be creating the fictional cover stories?”

  Kalteck responded, “Captain, err, General, we will work to increase your people’s technology. As it increases, your people will be able to see and thus report more unidentifiable flying objects. It’s essential the government appears to be doing everything possible to investigate the citizen’s reports while, in reality, you’ll be working with me in transferring my advanced technology to your defense and technology companies. It is essential that we jump-start your planet’s technology so you can defend your planet from the enemy who’s coming.”

  President Truman said, “Everett, I’m promoting you to command the organization that both covers up the reports by finding some common sense reasons for the sightings while at the same time you will be our chief interface with Kalteck. You will work with him as his partner.”

  Truman poured another cup of coffee for himself and Everett, “Kalteck will transfer technology through you, which you will then arrange top-secret transfers with specific companies. We will work together with these companies to ensure the selected companies are the ones who develop or invent these technologies. It’s critical no one, I repeat, no one, knows where the technology came from. Your department’s job will be to give hints and tips to them. You won’t hand them finished technology, they must complete the development in house. Part of the cover story is the Department of Defense will establish a new technology transfer department that you will also interface with. Do you have any questions?”

  “Sir, enemy? Does he mean the Soviets?”

  “No. I wish he did. It turns out Kalteck isn’t the only alien race, there are many others. One also came from Mars, they are very warlike, similar to the Soviets. They have their eyes on our planet. That’s the quick summary, I’m sure Kalteck will explain it in much better detail. Do you have any other questions?”

  No, sir. I think I understand what my role will be.”

  Truman continued, “I just asked Congress to pass the National Security Act and establish The Central Intelligence Agency, the CIA. I guided the Chairman of the National Security Committee of the Senate to think about the question of UFOs and he suggested, just as I thought he would, we establish a group to investigate them. He suggested we name the committee, “Project Blue Book, I have no idea why but if it makes him happy, I suppose the name of the group won’t mean anything.” Truman smiled, “General, any thoughts?”

  “Sir, I like it. The name sounds very official, it will help us when we begin questioning people who said they saw something. I also suggest we begin creating events to confuse people who report seeing these objects. That will discredit those who actually saw a ship like Kalteck’s. We should also strategically leak some of the stories with the natural reasons we come up with to discredit the sightings.”

  Kalteck nodded, “President, you chose well. I will enjoy the company of this warrior. General Yahnig, welcome to the salvation of both of our people.”

  “You can call me Everett. I’m still in shock over this entire thing.”

  “Okay, General Everett.”

  “No, just Everett. Do you have a last name?”

  “We don’t have last names. We have a given name and a number, which is where we are in our family’s line. My full name is Kalteck 208. You can simply call me Kalteck.”

  Chapter 6

  Stalin called to say he would support the plan to work with the Americans as long as the Americans didn’t gain a major advantage through Kalteck’s technology over Russia. “Kalteck, if you give the Americans access to advanced technology ahead of us or to an extent we can’t build defenses against, then I will pull Russia out of the agreement, and we will locate your bases and destroy them. I will also strike the Americans before they get strong enough to conquer the Motherland.

  “Even after I am gone, I will leave a private message for whoever follows me as Chairman about you and the agreement. Kalteck do not cross us. Do not play us for fools. Many have attempted to invade and conquer us, but none have ever succeeded. If you cross us, we will find a way to destroy you even if it means the destruction of most of the Soviet Union. We lost over twenty million in the last World War. The Russian people know how to sacrifice. We will do whatever we need to do in order to survive and in the end win.”

  Truman said, “Chairman Stalin, I don’t think we have to threaten Kalteck. He’s here attempting to save us.”

  “I am not so sure of that. I will, for now, agree to the terms of the agreement as laid out. I want Kalteck to meet with me here in Moscow. Does he agree?”

  “Mr. Chairman, I agree to visit you in the Kremlin. Is in twenty-four hours acceptable to you?”

  “Yes, that is acceptable.”

  President Truman looked at Yahnig, “Everett, I want you to go with Kalteck. I want American eyes and ears in that meeting. Kalteck looked at the President, “You don’t trust me? After the risk I’ve taken to assist you? Are all of you earthlings crazy?”

  Truman stared at Kalteck, “Let’s get something very clear. You arrived in America and you said you are here to help us prepare to defend against an alien attack from people who are also your people. On Earth there are sometimes double agents. Do you understand the term?”

  “Yes. I understand the term. You’re accusing me of being a double agent, giving you false information. For what reasons would I have done that? Why would I risk everything I have to give you false information? What do I have to gain by risking everything I have?”

  Yahnig smiled, “You said your ship crashed because it had been attacked by three of your enemy’s ships, hence they know you’re here, and can most likely guess why you’ve come here. So, I don’t accept you came here on your own and you’re risking your life to help us, poor earthlings. Why don’t you tell us the real reason you’re here?”

  “I told you…”

  Everett continued, “I, for one, don’t believe you. I think you’re hiding something from us. My gut is telling me you want to accelerate the tension between the Soviet Union and us, so we’ll destroy each other, enabling you to more easily swoop in and take over the Earth. I think we should hold you until we can determine what the truth is.”

an smiled, “See, I told you I selected the right person to assume the command of our committee. Remember, I told you the General has shot down enemy pilots, so I recommend you begin telling us the truth. Or I wonder if you have a personal shield that can stop a bullet from an M1.”

  “If you shoot me, the results will be very bad for you. Okay, it appears we are at a standoff…”

  Truman smiled, “I suggest you and General Yahnig go next door and have a little chat. If he returns telling me he’s satisfied, then I’ll fully support the plan.” Truman opened the door to a conference room, “Here you go, all the comforts of home.”

  Yahnig and Kalteck sat across from each other, Yahnig smiled, “You have the floor, and as I understand it, you have twenty-three hours and twenty-four minutes before you have to be in Moscow and if you think we don’t have open minds, wait till you arrive in Moscow. Stalin had most of his senior army officers shot to remove any threats to his power.”

  “I know all about him, I wouldn’t have chosen him as one to deal with, but he is the current leader of the Soviet Union, which is the second most powerful nation on your planet. We don’t have a choice in dealing with him.”

  Yahnig said, “Why don’t you begin at the beginning.”

  “You already know my name; I was born one hundred fifteen of your years ago. I, like all of my people, have a small memory circuit installed in my brain. The module is a combination microprocessor, memory capsule, and communications circuit. The circuit enables us to have instant communications between each other and our AIs. It also gives us hundreds of times more mental capacity than you humans. The module increases the rate at which we can calculate and have access to gigabytes of data at our fingertips.”

  Yahnig asked, “What’s a microprocessor? What’s a memory circuit? What’s a gigabyte?”

  “Ah, I forget how unintelligent your race still is, and that’s after all we’ve done to help advance your kind.”

  “What do you mean you helped advance us? How have you helped us? You just arrived here.”

  “In time. First, you should understand our history and how it’s intertwined with yours and why my people are coming and why America and the Soviet Union are going to have to make any changes if the Earth has any chance of surviving.”

  Yahnig nodded, “You have my full attention.”

  “Good. My people lived on the planet you call Mars. I know you consider Mars a dead planet. It is now, but when we lived there, it was lush with vegetation and vast oceans teaming with life. Our people were split between two different societies, one based on personal freedoms and very little government and one which was a dictatorship ruled by an emperor who ruled with an iron fist…”

  “Ah, you mean like Stalin?”

  Kalteck repeated his people’s history to Everett, who interrupted when he didn’t understand something, which was almost every sentence. Everett asked hundreds of questions that Kalteck found thoughtful and was pleased to explain in any level of detail Everett wanted. He appreciated Everett’s desire to learn and understand Kalteck’s history.

  After three hours, Everett leaned back on his chair, “Kalteck, I’m sorry about our lack of trust. Do you know how our last war started?”

  “No, is it germane to our discussions?”

  “Very much so. Let me tell you a little of our history. Germany, the country that started our first World War, rearmed in violation of the peace treaty that ended our first war. The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom signed a peace treaty with Germany. He claimed we’d have peace in our time. Only the leader of Germany used the treaty to continue arming and then launched an attack on other countries in Europe, launching our Second World War. During the war, they killed over six million people simply because they were a different religion. When Germany invaded the Soviet Union, they killed over twenty million of Stalin’s people, which is why Stalin doesn’t trust anyone.

  “The other half of the war was started by a small island nation which invaded a nation that was twenty times its size. Tensions between the island nation, called Japan, and America were very high. They sent an ambassador to Washington to discuss peace, all the while their military had planned a surprise attack on our major naval base. On Earth, wars are usually preceded by one country signing a declaration of war to the other. In Japan’s case, they attacked us and then handed our government their declaration. Hence, we don’t trust anyone who claims they are here to help us or have come to discuss peace. We had disarmed after the First World War. We got caught without the required army and armaments. We promised we’d never allow that to happen again.”

  “I understand. If I were in your shoes, being only a couple of years since the end of your most violent war, one that started with deceit, I would also be doubly careful. I am being fully truthful with you. I came here to help you save yourselves. Let me ask you something, what do you have to lose to listen and follow a little of what I have to give you? If I were trying to deceive you, would I also be giving you advanced technology? Show your technology experts some of what I will give you. If your experts judge my gifts as real and useable technology, then will you accept I am here to help you?”

  “If you give me something I can show to a few of our experts and they agree it’s both more advanced and useful to what we have, then it will go a long way in building trust.”

  Kalteck smiled while hiding his teeth from Everett’s view, “Excellent, we’re on the right path. I will write you the design for how to increase the thrust of your jet engines while lowering the heat generated inside the combustion stage of the engine. Will that be acceptable?”

  “Could we have two different technologies?”

  “I will also give you a way to increase the sensitivity of your radar while reducing the antenna’s size and weight.”

  “I call that an excellent offer.”

  “May I have some paper? I have my own instrument to write with.”

  Kalteck filled the notebook with diagrams and formulas. He smiled as he slid it across the table to Everett. “Here you are, show these to your experts. I also have something to show your Professor Einstein. Show him this formula and tell me his response.”

  “I’ll be back in an hour or two, do you need anything?”

  “I’d like some water and your fruit. I like your fresh fruit. It is not something I’ve had before. I read about it in our history books. Your fruit was one of the plants we seeded your planet with.”

  Everett returned three hours later, “You win.”

  “I don’t understand the term I win. Could you please explain it to me?”

  “Professor Einstein wants to know where we got the formula and he wants to meet the person who wrote it. His answer was, “yes, it is true, and I must rethink my original theory.” The jet engine experts were shocked. At first, they laughed, then their math people studied your notes, and they too agreed your design not only would work, but it will also increase the thrust of our engines and reduce the compressor temperatures, just as you said it would.”

  “The radar experts?”

  “Please don’t ask me about those. They wanted to storm wherever I was to get their hands on the rest of the formulas. You’ve proven you are willing to give us real and useable technology. I will begin trusting you.”

  “Thank you. May I have some more of these red fruits.”

  “They are called strawberries.”

  “I like them very much. They are sweat and have a very unique taste and texture. I wish I could explain the taste in your language. I don’t know the correct words.”

  Everett smiled, “I wouldn’t worry about it. I’ll get you some more berries. What’s our next step?”

  “I have a different request. Can I have one of your beers. I learned I like beer.”

  Everett laughed and leaned forward, smiling, “I think I’m going to like that. I’ll order us two beers, then we can continue our discussion.”

  “I would like that. I know you flew fighters in your last war. It migh
t interest you to know I did too. Of course, our craft are different. Would you like to see an image of what my craft looked like before it crashed in Roswell?”

  “I would very much like to see what your craft looks like.” Yahnig’s mouth fell open when he saw the images of Kalteck’s craft. “Let me show you some of our other craft and what a few of the other side’s ships look like.”

  Yahnig shook his head, “It’s like looking at a comic book. What is that monster-sized ship surrounded by the small ships?”

  “It is like your aircraft carriers. It has long-range strike weapons, point defense, and carries one hundred fighters to the enemy.”

  “Oh my God, one of those monsters could destroy the Earth.”

  “Everett, my ship alone could destroy your planet.” Silence filled the room as Everett looked at the alien sitting across from him. If he wanted to kill us, he could have already done it. I will recommend to the President we trust him.