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The Balkanization of America Page 7

  “Good question, this time we’re going to use vans, we’re supposed to pull up next to their lead vehicle, we’ll use silencers to take the guards down, we stop the buses, put the prisoners into our vans and disappear. Easy.”

  “Yeah, easy for you to say, I have a bad feeling about this mission.”

  “Let’s chat, I’ll see if I can get us some updated intel.”

  Three nights’ later two “Verizon” vans pull alongside a black painted school bus with the DHS logo painted on its doors. The passenger in each van rolls down their window when due to road construction the bus has to slow down to 20MPH. “Phatt, phatt” two silenced 9mm rounds crash through the driver's side window of the bus. The driver is wounded in his left side, he pulls the bus to the shoulder. Four men jump out of the “Verizon” vans; they board the DHS bus, one hits the driver in the head with his pistol, another slides behind the bus’ steering wheel. The bus continues on Route 7 past the beltway. Three blocks east the bus pulls into an underground office parking garage where the passengers on the bus have their leg chains unlocked, they’re transferred to waiting minivans.

  Ron helps one man out of the bus, “Captain; it’s good to see you again, are you all right?”

  “Ron, I am now, thank you, I’m not going to ask how.”

  “Captain, we can talk later, right now we’ve got to get away from here.”

  “Ron, they know about you. You were going to be picked up tonight, don’t go home, and tell your friend and his wife to disappear too.”


  “Mr. President, the Vice President is here to see you.”

  “Braindead, how are you?”

  “Mr. President, everything is good, I’m here to ask you if you think Mrs. O will let me continue on as Vice President when she wins the election next year.”

  “About that election, I haven’t decided if it’s going to be safe enough to hold elections next year, I might have to postpone them, in which case you’ll remain as my Vice President, just make sure you don’t say a word about this to anyone until I announce it. I’m only looking after the safety of our people. The UN troops are out of the picture; the citizen defense forces aren’t up to speed yet, the military is sitting on the sidelines doing nothing to help us, the Tea Party and their allies the militias are still causing us many problems. If we hold the elections the Tea Party will steal it by threatening our base to stay home, they’re so racist they’ll scare away many of our minority voters, plus Congress overrode my veto for a voter ID law which takes effect with the election next year. It’s a good thing I sent them home, who knows what trouble they’d cause if they were still in session. Although there is a little hope with Congress, they’ve recently passed an increase in the DHS budget. I think the Speaker is trying to play nice with us.”

  Chapter 8

  Commanding General Craig of the Republic of Texas briefs the President, “President Lawson we’re being probed daily on both of our borders, the Mexicans are trying to tunnel under our Southern wall. We’ve started using ground penetrating radar to locate their tunnels. The results have shocked us. We’ve found more than 100 tunnels, sir; Mexicans are flooding into the Republic.”

  “General, how do we shut down the tunnels?”

  “Sir, we could build another wall that goes 50 feet underground, or we could bury mines in the path of their potential tunnels, we can also turn our side of the wall into a minefield for a half mile into our territory.”

  “Do it, I will not have a flood of illegals putting a stress on our system. We’re not going to make the same mistake America did. I want you and the Rangers to pick up all of the illegals you locate, deport every one you find confiscate everything the illegals have. If they want to enter the Republic, they can apply for a visa or work permit.”

  “Sir, what about the Americans? They are massing along our border with Louisiana.”

  “In your opinion are they preparing to invade us?”

  “Mr. President, they are amassing supplies, equipment, armor and people on their side of the border, there’s no reason for them to do this unless they are going to invade.”

  “What do you suggest?”

  “Mr. President, I know their overall commander, General Johnson, he’s very capable and also a cautious General. He won’t make a move across the border until he has 125% of his inflated required supplies. Even then he’ll wait until everything is textbook perfect. Sir, I suggest you authorize us to cross the border and hit him with a few spoiling attacks; we’ll disrupt his plans, and we’ll target his supply depots, further delaying him. Sir, on the downside of this strategy, is if we do this, President Obsma will say we invaded America. He’ll use our attack to rally the people; he’ll use our attack to swing support to his side.”

  “I assume you have high definition images of the American’s camps on the border?”

  “Of course, I do, sir, here’s a DVD with the video and a thousand pictures.”

  “Excellent, when you start the spoiling attack, I’m going to hold a press conference where I’ll show the videos and images to the world, I’ll beat him to the punch. When can you be ready to hit them?”

  “Sir, we’re ready now, all I need is for you to give the word.”

  “General, you have my permission, go in one hour.”

  7: 00 PM, CST President Lawson, enters the press room in the executive office building. “Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for coming on such short notice, I hope we haven’t ruined anyone’s dinner, if we did, food will be served in the next room right after my short remarks. I have a number of videos and images to share with you. Copies of the DVD with these and more files are available for everyone in the next room. Ladies and Gentlemen, the images above show the American military massing along our border, look at the number of armored vehicles lined up ready to cross our border. Look at a large number of their tents, the supply depots, the number of satellite dishes, this is an American force getting ready to invade the Republic. They are a tightly coiled spring just waiting for President Obsma to give the order. We all know America is having her share of problems, to distract the American people President Obsma is planning on attacking the peaceful people of the Republic. He’ll rally his base behind him when he tells them he’s saving the union. He’s going to try to stop us before we get too strong for him to stop us. He’s trying to stop us before other states decide to join us. Some states have already reached out to me because we have a better answer; we offer an alternative to the tyranny that’s taking over America. My first duty as President of the Republic is to protect our people. I’ve ordered our military to attack the American forces before they can attack us. These attacks started when I took the podium. As soon as we have information on our attack, I’ll be back to give you an update, since this might take a while, I suggest we adjourn next door to break bread together while we wait for an update from our forces. God bless our forces and the people of the Republic of Texas.”

  As President Lawson walks off of the podium the room is silent, most of the reporters are shocked at the news, slowly the reporters rise and start applauding President Lawson. He walks towards the banquet room; many reach out to shake his hand and pat him on his back. A few say, “There goes a real leader.”


  First across the Texas-American border are 48 AH 64D attack helicopters, each is armed with a 30mm chain gun and sixteen Hellfire guided anti-tank missiles. The helicopter’s first targets are the American armor which is lined up on the freeway leading into the Republic. The Americans are taken by surprise; many of the troops are in their tents or having dinner in the mess tent. The AH 64Ds fly fifty feet over the freeway; they pop up targeting the armored vehicles; each helicopter fires all of their 16 missiles; many fire their 30mm cannon shells into the tents and any troops trying to return fire. The American camp explodes with many secondary explosions, when the helicopters turned around to rearm, 155mm and 105mm artillery shells impact the American camp, the artillery shells are mixed wit
h missiles launched in waves from mobile launching vehicles. Hundreds of shells and missiles land in the American camp. Each missile’s warhead contains softball sized explosives. The Texan’s attack stops as quickly as it started. The surviving Americans poke their heads up to take inventory of their camp. General Johnson reviews his forces; he’s lost 72 tanks, 36 Bradly armored vehicles, and 1,756 people. The General is walking back to his underground command bunker when he pauses because he hears a freight train headed their way. Texan artillery shells, the Texans waited thirty minutes from when their last shell landed in the American camp. The Texans waited for the American’s to poke their heads out of their shelters and gather in the open, the second round of artillery is more devastating than the first, it catches most of the Americans in the open. Ten minutes after the last round of artillery lands, the AH 64Ds return having been armed with rocket pods, each helicopter fires fifty rockets adding to the destruction, this time American Stinger shoulder-fired anti-air missiles are launched, knocking down six helicopters. American F16s arrive to chase the AH64Ds away. Before the F16s can cross the border in Texas, the air is filled with patriot anti-air missiles fired from the Texan side of the border. The F16s are surprised by the anti-air missiles; all have to turn quickly and jinx to avoid the missiles, the patriot missiles claim five American fighters. The battle ends for the day.


  In Austin, the reporters watch the battle in real time via live video feed from high-flying drones. The reporters are at first shocked by the amount of violence; the shock soon turns to cheering. The cheering stops when the F16s arrive, many of the reporters think the tide has been turned against Texas. The reporters stare at the monitors watching gray smoke trails from the anti-air missiles fill the air; none of the reporters has ever witnessed a battle in real time, when the battle ends they again cheer the victory of the Republic. A few of the American reporters say, “This wasn’t a fair fight, the Texans cheated; they surprised our forces; they should have called the American General to tell him they were going to launch an attack. There should have been a declaration of war." These reporters are verbally jumped on by the other reporters who try to educate the American reporters how war is really fought.


  Patriots in Rochester New York take to the streets protesting the President’s policies, they’re demanding Congress impeach the President. The Patriots have a permit to assemble and hold their parade. The local chapter of the Citizen Defense Force decides the Patriots are not respecting the President. They swarm out of side streets attacking the Patriots; the swarm attack takes the Patriots by surprise, the CDF, uses rocks, metal pipes, baseball bats and a few small handguns. The Patriots suffer 60% wounded and killed before the police arrive to break up the riot. The media reports the Patriots attacked the Citizen Defense Force, injuring forty members of the CDF; not a single word is said about the CDF attacking and killing innocent patriots.

  The Citizen Defense Force in New Orleans visits every restaurant and hotel demanding monthly protection payments, any that refuse has their windows broken, deliveries delayed, customers are hounded when they enter or leave the facilities. Word reaches the local militia the CDF is harming businesses in his sector. When the militia and CDF meet, it turns into a wild moving battle that covers fourteen blocks. An hour after the battle began 145 people lay dead in the French Quarter. The streets are slick with blood from the wounded and dead.

  The CDF goes house to house, store to store in downtown Detroit demanding any non-Muslim owners pay a tribute or face their home and/or business being burned to the ground. Various patriot groups band together to battle the CDF, the battle rages over two days when the DHS troops arrive; both sides turn on the black shirt DHS troops. The DHS Suburbans are attacked; many are turned over before being set on fire. The battle grows in intensity and spreads outside of downtown, as it spreads it also grows; the government sends in hundreds of DHS agents, the CDF and Patriots gain support from outside groups, thousands arrive from as far away as St Louis. On the fifth day of the running battle, the President sends in the National Guard to bring an end to the battle.

  The leader of the CDF and militia agree to a short truce so both groups can attack the Guard. When the President hears, the guard is under attack he orders the US Army to put the rioting down. Two-thirds of the troops refuse the order to fight US citizens, the President tries to convince the UN to send additional troops. The UN Secretary General refuses the request, informing President Obsma, the UN peacekeepers are not safe in America, unless the President can provide improved security; UN won't be sending additional troops. On the eighth day of the battle for Detroit the city explodes, burning out of control. The President goes on national television begging for peace. Anonymous interrupts the President’s speech “America; we are Anonymous. Wake up and take back your country, America has started to burn, there are fifty battles going on as we address you, fifty patriotic groups have stood up to say, “We the People” have had enough, “We the People” are no longer going to sit idly by and watch America slide into the depths of tyranny. America we’ve blocked the tyrant from addressing the country, from today onward we will block every address the tyrant tries to give, every word that comes out of his mouth is a lie. He lies even if the truth would help him. America you need to stand up and tell the tyrant to step down. America tell Congress to pass the articles of impeachment. We are Anonymous.”


  “Mr. President as we’ve previously discussed the FCC can’t do anything to block Anonymous, we have no idea who they are, or where they’re located. They seem to be able to block access anytime they want to. I’m sorry, but I can’t guarantee you’ll be able to address the country without interruption.”

  “Your answer is totally unacceptable, find a way to block them and get me back on the air. I’m not going to rely on the print media and the internet.”

  “Mr. President, they can block the internet with ease.”

  “Either locate them within two weeks or I want your resignation on my desk.”

  “Mr. President, just accept my resignation now, we can’t block them, why don’t you ask the NSA to use their supercomputers to locate them and block their access.”

  “An excellent idea, you may yet be useful.”

  The Director of the NSA informs the President the NSA has been trying to locate Anonymous for years. “Sir, we can’t locate them, they bounce their signals around the world.”

  “Are you telling me you can listen to anyone anywhere in the world unless they’re a member of Anonymous?”

  “Mr. President, you can say that.”

  “Find a way.”


  The remaining UN peacekeepers move into the Pentagon where they find all of the computers have been wiped clean. Paper files have been burned with thermite grenades; large sections of the Pentagon have been walled off, the UN commander looks at the newly built brick walls which block access to a third of the E ring thinking, there’s no easy way to break through the new walls. The commander thinks, “I have no idea how thick this wall is. Whatever the crazy Americans are trying to hide can stay hidden for now."

  “Sir, we found an envelope addressed to you on the door to the Secretary of Defense’s conference room.”

  “Let me have it.”

  “You haven’t won, in fact; you’ve lost big time, and if I were you I’d bend over and kiss my ass goodbye. Signed Major Grover.”

  “Sir, do you believe this Major Grover?”

  “Yes I do, I’m betting he’s planted many surprises for us ……” Before the commander can complete his sentence, five explosions rip through the Pentagon killing hundreds of UN troops.

  “Damn it, I hate Grover.”


  The DHS black shirts tighten their hold on the country; they set up ID roadblocks stopping everyone driving on interstate freeways. People are upset over the delays and interruption to their plans; a few motorists drive through the roadblocks, a few ru
n over a couple of the agents, the drivers are stopped and arrested; their homes are bulldozed to their foundations; everything they own is confiscated from them. Even if released, they have nothing to come home to. Neighbors watch in shock as homes are destroyed, lives erased, some begin to wake up. Tens, hundreds, thousands take to the streets demanding the impeachment of the President and stop the DHS.

  Congress is deadlocked in the impeachment process because none wants the Speaker to become the next President. The Speaker calls General Brownstone, “General; we’re in agreement to file the articles of impeachment, however, the joint members of the House and Senate can’t decide on who should replace the President.”

  “Mr. Speaker, I don’t remember the constitution providing Congress with a choice, the line of succession is clearly laid out.”

  “General, that’s what I’m trying to tell you. We plan to impeach the President, the VP and the AG that leaves me as next in line, the members of Congress won’t accept me, as such I’ve agreed to refuse the position, as has the Senate Whip. We’ve also agreed to impeach the Cabinet, the majority of the members don’t want any of them to become President either.”