United States Invaded Page 7
“Want me to call DHS for help?”
“Not the feds put a call out to the staties.”
“Yes sir.”
Minutes later the fire department has two large diameter hoses pouring high-pressure water on the mob which finally breaks their spirit.
Surrounding the ball field are thirty-six police cars, four fire-trucks and six ambulances. The local SWAT squad is patrolling the bleachers and fence line along the edge of the field. Ron, six of his officers and fourteen state police officers, start handcuffing all of the people who were fighting while the EMS staff starts working on the injured. “Ron, got a couple here in really bad shape, going to call in a dust off, you OK with that?”
“Yes, we’ll close the road when the bird is five out.”
“Better do it now; bird was in Leesburg, be here in five.”
The helicopter lands, taking four seriously injured to the Inova Hospital. In total two hundred and five people are arrested. The State Police have to call in secure buses to take the large number to booking. The media is filled with stories of the fight. A reporter for a television station in DC asks Ron, “Do you know what started the fight?”
“Yes, a few youths wore a USA flag T-shirt to school, some others said the USA was a war monger and led by a murderer. The kids agreed to disagree. They chased each other to this field where they started fighting. Soon the fighting attracted others, then their parents joined the fight. In all, we have ten dead, and more than twenty seriously injured.”
“Lieutenant, don’t you think the boys shouldn’t have worn the flag shirts? After all, it seems like the shirts set off the fighting. Shouldn’t they have been more sensitive to the feelings of others?”
“Ms. Reporter, the last time I checked we were still covered with freedom of speech. This is America, I see nothing wrong with displaying our flag, if you notice all of us wear one, as does the fire department, EMS techs and the Military. If the flag upsets you, I understand the LSA is looking for reporters.”
Chapter 6
“President Reid, we have our case prepared and we’re ready whenever you say GO. When printed it comes to 3,789 single-spaced pages.”
“Did you check to see if we have to submit our case in legal format or is plain Word document acceptable with the court?”
“Sir, what do you mean by legal format?”
“How long have you worked in the Gray House?”
“Three months.”
“I think that’s long enough. We have some open positions in the border patrol along the Canadian border in Washington State.”
“President Reid, I could die on the border, I don’t handle cold weather well.”
“Yes you can, you’ll be able to give your life in the same manner as our beloved founder President Obsma did. I suggest you pack and be ready to leave on the next bus in one hour.”
As the young man leaves President Reid’s office, Nanny asks, “Harold, why did you fire that nice young man?”
“Nanny, because he didn’t know the difference between a common Word document and a legal form. How can he produce documents for us, if he doesn’t understand the right format to put the documents in?”
“Does it really make that much of a difference?”
“Yes it does, many courts and I think that includes The World Court, only accepts documents filed in legal format. If we file in the wrong format, we won’t have our case heard.”
“I see, so why didn’t he just call them?”
“That’s the question isn’t it? Maybe he doesn’t want to see us succeed; in which case sending him to the border with Canada is what he deserves.”
“Harold, did you read the report from our friend at OPEC?”
“Yes, it troubles me to see that OPEC isn’t strong enough to back us.”
“They’re worried about fighting both Russia and America.”
“They should grow a pair; Puten is with us, America is going to fail and be handed to us on a silver platter. President Brownstone is going to be convicted for the murder of President Obsma. We and Puten will rule the world. We’re going to split the world in half.”
“Harold, do you think we can really trust President Puten?”
“Nanny, of course, we can, why would he cross us? We’ve been supporting him for years. We share a common goal and vision.”
“It’s just that sometimes I worry about him. I think in the end he may turn on us.”
“Don’t worry about Puten, just worry about strengthening our position. Nanny, we’re only a small step away from winning.”
“I wanted to let you know that our little demonstration is ready to move forward.”
“When is it going to take place?”
“In two days.”
“Excellent, I can’t wait to see Brownstone’s reaction. I’d better call Puten so he knows and can be prepared to take advantage of it.”
Ron uses his key to join Kathy and me for dinner, “Hey Ron, didn’t you get a new home?”
“Yea, but I hate coming home to an empty house and having to cook something and eat by myself. Why do I have to when I have my two best friends around the corner, and I know Kathy always makes extra for me.”
“I’m just busting your chops, you know you’re always welcome, hell, you lived here for a while, and you helped us rebuild the damage the DHS goons did to our house. You’re family. I heard from Kathy that you had a rough day, want a cold one?”
“Yes, that would be very welcome after today. She saw the fight and by our records, she was the first to call it in. She most likely saved a number of lives. Where is she? I’d like to thank her. I brought her a nice bottle of wine.”
“She’s upstairs changing; she got sauce all over her blouse. Here she comes.”
“Ron, I thought I heard you, how are you? Did any of your people get hurt?”
“Kath, thanks for calling me today, you saved many lives, I brought you a bottle of wine.”
“Ron, you didn’t have to do that, it was the least I could do. I saw the kids starting to fight; I was worried they were going to kill each other.”
“Kathy, many did. It got really bad when some of the parents arrived; some were armed. We needed the fire Department and the State Police to bring it to an end….”
“Hey Ron, look, you’re on TV!”
“Oh oh, don’t tell me they’re going to run the video of my little run in with the reporter.”
“Yup, man, she’s giving you a mouthful. She didn’t like it that you told her to move to the LSA.”
“Brad, she thought the kids shouldn’t have worn an American Flag shirt. Total bullshit. Just like reporters to blame the kids wearing an American flag. If she doesn’t love the flag, she SHOULD just pack up and leave.”
“Well, she sure is upset with you. I’m betting you hear from the captain soon.”
With that Ron’s cell rings, “Hello, this is Ron. Yes, Captain, that was me, yes I did tell her to move, yes sir, yes sir, I understand. Good evening to you too sir.”
“Did he rip you one?”
Laughing, Ron responds, “Nope, he said I should have driven her to the airport.”
We both laugh, Kathy comes into the dining room carrying a large plate of spaghetti and meatballs.”
“What no garlic bread?”
“It’s in the kitchen, go get it, and while you’re there, please slice it.”
The three of us enjoy a quiet meal together. I ask, “Ron, do you think the LSA is going to cause us any more trouble before they present their case at The Hague?’
“I’m sure of it. They know many of our people are not sure who to believe. Reid is going to do everything he can to push us over the edge. He wants civil disorder so he can prove we’re a nuclear power out of control. He can claim to be the rightful President. With Puten’s support, he’ll try to take over the country.”
“Think he can get away with it?”
“Yes, if he can wind up enough people to shut d
own the country, he can win.”
“Is there anything you can talk about that we’re doing to stop him?”
“Joshua has every agent and supporter watching as many of the reservoirs as possible. He has people watching mass transit stations. He has people watching the maritime ports. We don’t know where or how he’s going to strike. If we could figure one their attack plan, we could prepare a warm welcome for his people.”
“Sounds like we’re screwed.”
“Unless the DoD has the intel and isn’t sharing for fear we’ve been compromised.”
“Ron, I’d bet that’s the case. Would you trust us?”
“You, or the average person? You and Kathy, yes, the average person, no.”
“Do you trust them?”
“President Puten, we’re ready to launch our demonstration.”
“President Reid, very good. I suggest you hold your action until President Brownstone and his legal team leave for The Hague.”
“What makes you so sure President Brownstone will risk going to The Hague himself. He risks arrest if he steps foot outside of the country.”
“He’ll go because he doesn’t want to look weak. He’ll go because he’s going to show the world he’s innocent and has nothing to fear. I suggest your people turn up the heat on President Brownstone. Do you have alternative terror sites planned?”
“No, should we?”
“Yes, you should plan some conventional attacks, some in the heartland that will scare the sheep silly. Hit them at home, hit them where they feel the safest. Hit them when they least expect it. Once they’re hit, they’ll beg for protection. Protection, the current administration, isn’t giving them. That will be your time to act.”
“I understand, in this case I need some additional time to recruit and plan additional attacks.”
“I’ll send you some specialists; they will bring their own tools, just make sure their plane isn’t searched.”
“That I can promise, please tell your staff to let mine know anything they require.”
“My people will be in touch.”
The US Marines worked hard to reinforce the defenses surrounding their sprawling facility located in Northern San Diego County.
Camp Pendleton covers 125,000 acres, many of them undeveloped, so it was relatively easy for the protesters to sneak onto the base from the undeveloped areas. The protesters didn’t know the Marine’s had spread motion and biometric sensors along all of the known trails leading onto their base.
“Sarge, we have an alert in sector two-one. Both motion and bio-agents report an intrusion. Seems like someone took a leak just off the trail.”
“How big of a group are we looking at?”
“Sensors report a group of twenty to thirty. All are walking heavily loaded.”
“OK, alert the quick reaction team, this silly group should pop out in sector two-four. We’ll wait for them there.”
“Sarge, the team leader said they’re ready and will be waiting for our uninvited visitors when they exit the woods. Man, I sure would like to see their faces when they exit the woods thinking they’re safe and end up looking into the barrels of twenty M4s.”
“Bet the reaction team will be pissed off if they have to clean up a bunch of poop and vomit off the trail.”
The protesters think they’re being very quiet, and because none had any military experience, they don’t know what quiet in the woods really is. The protesters are armed with cans of spray paint and rolled up banners. They think the post general will crap his pants in the morning when he sees their handiwork without them being seen. All are smiling at the joke of sneaking into and back out of the largest Marine base the in the United States. Plus they're only a short distance from the border with the LSA. They knew if the Marines were somehow able to pick up their trail, they should be able to make it to the border and be home safe and sound in LA.
“Sarge, do you see them?”
“LT, they show up on my night vision like they were lit up in floodlights. Boy are they going to be surprised in about four minutes.”
“Sarge, let them exit the woods, my guess is once they clear the wood line; they’ll pause for a break that’s when I want you to take them down.”
“Sir can do.”
Five minutes later, a group of twenty-four people exit the woods, they look around, not seeing or hearing anything, they decide to pause, have some water and a small snack before continuing to the General’s house. They sit in a circle drinking from one liter water bottles and eating some trail mix. They laugh among themselves, “Man this woods crap ain’t so hard. I wonder why the military makes it such a big thing. Can you imagine the look on the General’s face when he sees the signs we’re going to leave behind?”
From out of the darkness they hear, “No I can’t imagine the look on his face, however, I bet it’s going to be close to the look on yours when you realize you’re surrounded, and we’re all heavily armed. Please drop any weapons you may have and slowly standup with your hands on your head.” Shadows start appearing from the night’s shadows, some right in front of the protesters.
“Where the hell did you come from?”
“We’ve been watching you since you entered the woods. Did you fools really think you could just walk into our homes, and we wouldn’t know it?
“Do you think this is some kind of Air Force base? We’re the US Marines. What was your target?”
“We’re protesting the US Military owning weapons of mass destruction. We’re going show how easy it was to break into your base. This proves the weapons aren’t safe here. Anyone could have walked in and walked off with them.”
The sergeant breaks out laughing. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen any group so dumb. We don’t have any WMDs here. I can assure you, if you ever figured out where they are stored, you couldn’t get within a mile of them.”
“We know they’re here, they have to be. This is the largest Marine base; they have to be here.”
“Hey Sarge, did we just bust the world’s dumbest terrorists?”
“Corp, looks that way doesn’t it? Who the hell tries attacking a US Marine base unarmed. Crap, I don’t even get to shoot anyone tonight.”
“Sarge, I could always say I saw them try to get away, and then you could shoot for them for trying to escape.”
“Hey, I like that idea. Which one of you idiots would like to try and run? I need the practice; I haven’t shot anyone in a week.”
President Brownstone’s private phone rings, “Hello, Paul is that you?”
“President Brownstone, yes, we would like to review our case plan with you and the cabinet.”
“Paul, Dave, what time would you and your team like to meet?”
“Will you be available in two hours?”
“Yes, we’ll meet you in the Situation Room.”
“Ted, please ask the cabinet and Rash to join us in the Situation Room in two hours, I’d also like to ask the Supreme cou…….”
Before the President can complete his sentence, an explosion rocks the White House.
Secret Service agents jump onto and knock the President to the floor; three of the agents cover the President with their bodies.
Chapter 7
“Harold, do you trust President Puten to pull off additional attacks without doing real damage to the country we’re trying to save? I don’t completely, trust him.”
“Nanny, do we have a choice now? We’re so far down this path that we’re out of options. If we don’t go along with him, he’ll most likely kill us and take over the LSA. We have no military; we have no way to fight him.”
“Don’t you think that I know that? The only troops we have are those who our allies loaned us. They’re loyal to Puten not to us. They’ll follow his orders.”
“Nanny, I know this, I’m trying to figure out how we get out from under his thumb.”
“I warned y
ou not to get into bed with him.”
“Nanny, stop it, you’re the one who suggested we call him. You’re the one who said we should reach out to him. You’re the one who said he’d help us and that he’d make the LSA strong enough to take over all of the Americas. Now we’re nothing but his puppets.”
“Harold, I’m sure we can work something out with him. He’s not like Bush was. He wants what we want.”
“No he doesn’t, he wants to rule the world.”
“Don’t we?”
“Nanny, you know that’s not going to happen.”
“What isn’t going to happen? He or us ruling the world? I think if we play our cards right, we can end up ruling most of the world.”
“How are we going to play our cards right and come out of this with our skins? I’m pretty attached to my skin.”
“Maybe we should arrange for Brownstone to learn a few details about the upcoming attack.”
“To what end?”
“He’ll stop it, or at least slow it down. He’ll be prepared, which will hurt Puten and still scare America and put us in a good position.”
“Let me think on it for a day, when do Puten’s people arrive?”
“In two days.”
“If Puten ever found out we tipped off Brownstone, we’ll wish for death. I’m not ready to face that. The more I think about it, the more I think we have to let the attack happen. We’re safe here. None of the LSA should be affected. Let them proceed.”
Secret Service agents are wearing black BDUs (battle dress uniforms) and full body armor surround the White House. Four agents rush into the Oval Office. “Mr. President are you OK, can you speak?”
“Yes, if a few of you get off of me, I’ll be much better. What the hell happened?”
“Mortar attack, someone built a homemade mortar, they fired at the White House as they drove up Pennsylvania Avenue. They got off three rounds before we hit their truck with a man-portable anti-tank rocket.”
“Who were they?”
“Sir, we don’t know yet. Looks like a local gang.”