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United States Invaded Page 18

  “I think it’s best if you and the President don’t know anything in advance.”

  “OK, I’m game. Do you think this will get him impeached?”

  “A lot depends on Nanny.”

  “That’s even better; I can’t wait to see the results.”

  The staff outside of Rash’s office hears them laughing, they have an idea why they're laughing about, they smirk thinking of the images on the Slimes. Many are thinking Reid deserves what he gets.


  President Brownstone calls Admiral Zander, “Admiral, where is the good Major Grover?”

  “Sir, I think he’s due back late today. I don’t think you want to know where he was or why. Do you need some special assistance?”

  “I think he should lead the investigation of the technicians in Minot. My gut is telling me the people who worked on the missile weren’t our technicians. We haven’t found any trace of the techs. I’d like the Major to manage the search and investigation of the area. He has the investigative skills I think we need.”

  “I’ll cut his orders. If he finds, there was foul play involved?”

  “Oh, I’m sure he will. Once he determines who was behind it, we’ll figure out how to respond.”

  “Mr. President, I know you understand that the Major is a special tool.”

  “I know who and what he is. My gut is telling me our good friend Puten was behind the explosion. It’s just too timely that the warhead explodes and he and Reid rush to the United Nations to ‘Ban The Bomb.' It had to be either Reid’s national political group or Puten’s FSB that setup the entire ’Ban The Bomb’ movement. Everything was just too professional and polished. It was all one, or both, of their master plans. Puten’s trick of pulling the motion from the Security Council where he knows we would veto it and placing it in the General Assembly where he knows America is hated was a very smooth move. He thinks he has us by the balls. We can’t allow the United Nations to try to disarm us. I’m willing to bet my last dollar Puten will hide either complete or subassemblies for new nukes. After the United Nations disposes of the rest of the world’s nuclear weapons, he’ll show he still has some. He’ll blackmail the world to submit to his will. He’s using the United Nations to disarm the world so Russia can take it over. He’s very slick. I didn’t see this one coming.”

  “OK, he’ll be there this evening. I’ll give him written orders and authorization to take over the operation. What part of the plan do you think Reid plays?”

  “He has people on the ground before anyone else, even before we did; his people took the video the Russians used at the United Nations. Puten is using Reid to get at us, once we’re disarmed Puten will force America to become part of Russia or face destruction. He knows we’ll have to surrender to him or lose hundreds of millions. After the Minot event, he knows our people won’t accept hundreds of warheads going off all across America. Our people will demand surrender versus the same horror replaying in every one of our cities.”

  “Mr. President, what are you thinking?”

  “Admiral, I want you to execute the doomsday plan.”

  “Sir, are you going to put the order in writing?”

  “Yes, check your secure email, the order is already there. Admiral, to make it official, implement, Doomsday plan alpha one. Time stamped right now.”

  “Mr. President, I accept delivery of the order and acknowledge the order to implement Doomsday plan alpha one.”

  The two hang up their secure phones. The Admiral looks at the ceiling of his office in the Pentagon. He calls out, “Commander come in please, we have a series of orders to issue. Bring the release case.”


  “Commander, at 22:14 GMT the President has implemented doomsday alpha one, open the case.”

  “Oh my God, Admiral is it that bad?”

  “Son, it could be, have the plans been updated to account for the available ships?”

  “Sir, the plans are updated daily based on the ship and plane updates.”

  “Commander, issue the orders, I’m calling CICNORAD.”

  As the commander leaves the Admiral’s office, Admiral Zander picks up a red handset, touching the number 2 button he’s instantly connected to the Cheyenne Mountain NORAD facility.

  “Major Stanley, NORAD communications officer.”

  “Major, Admiral Zander here. I have received a direct order from the President; order is doomsday alpha one. Timestamp 22:14 GMT. Please confirm receipt. Code has been sent through the case one minute ago.”

  “Admiral, NORAD HQ confirms doomsday alpha one. WILCO.”

  Major Stanley picks up the red handset connecting him with the CICNORAD, “General, Major Stanley, Admiral Zander has just issued doomsday alpha one, he has written confirmation from the national command authority. We have received verification from his code case.”

  “Major, confirmed, break the seal and issue the orders.”

  “Yes sir.”

  Alarms sound in every American strategic base; every base is locked down, blast doors are closed and sealed. Code books are taken out of safes; missile guidance is updated, codes input. US Air Force bombers are loaded with nuclear weapons; they take off nose to tail with their refueling planes. Trident submarines go to ultra silent operation; their captains open their safes taking out red lined codes. Every strategic weapon in America’s inventory is made ready to be launched.


  “Ron, have you seen the news reports? Do you now what’s going on?”

  “Brad, I saw the same news reports as you; it doesn’t look good does it?”

  “Got to say, it looks scary, strange goings on at a number of military bases, fighters, bombers, and refueling planes taking off nose to tail. Reports that the navy are surging ships, some without all of their crews. Most had just returned to port after the last surge. Strange trucks at various arms depots. Come on spill, what’s going on? Do we need to make a shopping trip?”

  “Brad, all I can say is we, as did every first responder across the country got a ‘heads up’ from DHS. Even as my best friend, I can’t say anything other than I would stock up on everything, even more than you already have. I won’t be over tonight or the next few nights, I will be working double shifts for a while.”

  While Ron and I are on the phone, a news reporter on the TV is saying the DoD has recalled all service people, all leaves are canceled; the National Guard has been federalized, and all reserves are activated. “Ron, did your ‘heads up’ from DHS cover this?”

  “Buddy, I can’t say anything, other than go shopping.”

  Hanging up, I jump up, “Kath, we need to hit the stores, when can you be ready to leave?”

  “I’m ready, what’s going on?”

  “Just spoke to Ron, he suggests we go shopping.”

  “It’s about the news reports isn’t it?”

  “Yes, let’s go.”

  “What do you think is going on?”

  “Gut says, President is preparing to go to war against the United Nations or Russia invading to disarm us. Maybe even both.”

  “Crap, we haven’t had a war on our soil since the civil war. We’re so screwed.”


  The Chicago Tribune’s headline is, “USA Preparing for WAR!”

  The international media picks up the story, rebroadcasting it. Videos of US military bases with armed security forces patrolling the fence line, videos of navy ships leaving port, and videos of planes taking off are shown on every channel and across the internet.

  President Brownstone’s administration issues a statement saying that the activities are part of a long-planned readiness drill. The press wasn’t notified as the Pentagon doesn’t usually notify the press for drills.

  The media is confused, on one hand this is the largest drill they can remember seeing, on the other, there is no enemy in sight. Most believe the Pentagon’s story.

  A few take notice of the drill, these people decide the time is right to “bug out." Thes
e people are prepared for a disaster; many have stored supplies to last their family months or even years. People start to notice that some of their neighbors are missing. Children are missing from their schools; people don’t show up at their jobs. Neighbors wake up the following morning to notice some homes have bars over windows, metal shutters have appeared that close off windows. People who their neighbors always thought of as “regular” people overnight have changed. These people are sometimes called preppers; they prepare for a potential disaster. They knew the US military wasn’t doing a drill; they realized the US was preparing for war. Some of the preppers had locations stocked with supplies and weapons they hoped to ride out any potential war, others had decided to “bug in”. They prepared their homes. They reinforced their home’s walls and windows so they can survive inside their homes. Many had no place to go, or due to various other situations they couldn’t leave. They worried about defending their homes from their own neighbors. Many wondered if they could refuse to help people they knew. They worried about their far-flung families. The preppers didn’t need to run out and fight with the last minute shoppers because they already had what they required.

  The rest of the population is of a mixed mind. Some decide they don’t believe the press release from the Pentagon, others read the press release and relaxed.

  People in the LSA are concerned that if the USA goes to war will it spread to the LSA. Many decide to stock up a little, some decided it was time to leave the cities and head for the hills.


  Russia brings the motion to the General Assembly. Every delegate is given a package with the motion printed in both English and in their native language, plus a package of pictures of the injured taken in Minot.

  Many of the delegates can’t look at all of the images without becoming ill. The Russian delegates meet with every delegation to respond to their questions and comments. Puten has orchestrated the process so that the only debate on the United Nations’ floor is scripted in advance. Every word has been rehearsed; there are no surprises; the entire debate is scripted like a Broadway play.

  The Russian ambassador requests a meeting with President Brownstone. “Mr. President, President Puten and the peace loving people of Russia send you their best regards. The people of Russia send our prayers to the people of Minot, we are truly sorry for their suffering; we stand ready to provide any support we can.

  “We’re sure you know our motion is going to easily pass in the United Nations General Assembly. President Puten is planning on flying to New York City to put the first signature on the treaty. President Putin requests that you join him and place your signature on the treaty next to his.”

  “Mr. Ambassador, please convey our best wishes to President Puten and the Russian people. Please also inform President Puten that America realizes full well what his plans are. We know how he and President Reid are defrauding the world. We plan on bringing proof to the General Assembly showing Russia doesn’t plan to scrap all of your nuclear weapons, we will prove President’s Puten and Reid made the warhead and missile in Minot explode to enable President Puten’s plan to conquer the world.”

  “Mr. President, if I may be very frank and direct.”

  “Yes, of course.”

  “America is about to lose every ally you have. The entire world is going to be lined up against you. It would be in America’s best interest that you give in and join the rest of the world. If you don’t agree to surrender your arms, America will be invaded; your weapons will be taken from you through force. Your people are going to suffer. You will be run out of office; your country will be injured to such a degree that America will never recover.”

  “Mr. Ambassador, I think it would be a good idea if you left now.”

  After the Russian ambassador leaves the temporary Oval Office, President Brownstone, Ted, Rash and the Cabinet meet in the Situation Room.

  “Before we begin, how’s the repairs on the Oval Office coming? I’d like to get out of the White House dining room and back into a real office.”

  Steve responds, “Mr. President, another three weeks, the damage was very severe, the walls have to be completely rebuilt. They’re being rebuilt to a new standard, which should make them bomb proof.”

  “Steve, thanks. I think the best way to start the meeting is to play the video from my meeting with the Russian ambassador.”

  The cabinet watches the Russian ambassador, when the video ends, Ted looks around the Situation Room, “Mr. President, Cabinet officers, I suggest we push our team in Minot to find proof of who was behind the explosion as quickly as possible. We’re running out of time.”

  “Ted, I agree. Before we place a call to Major Grover, let me ask John to review where the military stands. John?”

  “Mr. President, fellow cabinet secretaries, we’ve surged our ready forces to their deployment areas. We’ve increased the security at every base and facility. We’ve moved our nuclear weapons from their depots to the Air Force bases or the Navy ships. We’ve moved mobile air defenses to our strategic bases and our major ports and cities. We’ve asked our suppliers of air defense systems to increase production. We’re going to assume the United Nations isn't going to accept our 'any thank you.' We expect them to launch an invasion of our strategic bases to disarm us by force. We will meet their force with force. We’re assuming here that the United Nations isn’t going to attack our civilian population centers. It would turn world opinion against them. We’ve dispersed our bombers and refueling planes to small bases all over North America; no single base has more than five bombers. This is going to greatly complicate the United Nations peacekeepers from hitting all of the bases at the same time. We’ve deployed the army to each base to protect the planes and weapons. We have Air Force, Navy and Marine fighters flying CAP over our major cities and also checking any plane that hasn’t filed a commercial flight plan. Any plane without a flight plane will be met by fighters when it crosses a line 250 miles from our border. The President has already issued orders that any plane that doesn’t file a flight plan and doesn’t follow instructions from our fighters will be shot down. We have recalled all reserve pilots to active duty.

  “A technical team has been sent to Davis–Monthan Air Force Base to check which planes can be quickly returned to flight status. We expect to be able to return 25 B52s, 12 B1s and over 100 F15s to active service. The Navy has teams working around the clock to return the USS Washington to sea; it’s currently in dry dock for its 39 month SLEP (Service Life Extension Program) HHI thinks they can complete changing the nuclear cores and finishing urgent work in 30 days. The Navy is also accelerating the fitting out of two submarines and two destroyers.

  “The Army is rushing updated armor packages for their Abrams tanks and Bradly armored vehicles. Overall, we are expanding production of the new ammunition, rifle and personal armor that provides protection against the new Russian rounds. Every weapons production line is now operating 24/7. Every supplier has jumped up to provide unbelievable support. Mr. President, as a surprise, the first four rail guns will be delivered this week, two are headed to the Army, and two are going to the Navy. Special Forces training experts are working with the militia groups.”

  Rash looks surprised, “John, do you mean we may shoot down a commercial plane? This could really hurt us in the battle for world opinion. I can see the picture on the New York Slimes of floating dead children in the ocean from a plane we shot down. Images like that will hurt us very badly. There has to be another way."

  Chapter 17

  In the woods five miles away from ground zero, an army Special Forces platoon wearing radiation suits is combing the surrounding area for clues as to who set off the nuclear warhead in the silo. A corporal sees a small hill that looks like it doesn’t belong; he yells, “Major, I think I found something.”

  Major Grover and three specialists meet the corporal, “Corp, what have you found?”

  “Major, stand here and look at the small hill just ahead, right at t
he 1:00 position, see it?”

  “Yes, Corporal you have a keen eye. Specialist DeAnglo, how long can we stay here?”

  “Major, we’re just about out of time now. Sir, I strongly recommend we leave within five minutes and let team two takeover.”

  “Specialist, take the platoon back to the base, send team two to me, I’m staying. I want to see what’s under that small hill.”


  “Yes Corporal, what’s up?”

  “Sir, I want to stay with you.”

  “Corporal, I can’t allow that, you’ll be putting your life at risk. The radiation we’ve already absorbed on this mission exceeds what a lifetime of X-Rays would give us. I can’t ask you to stay.”

  “Major, you’re not asking, I’m volunteering.”

  “Corp, how long have you been in the Army?”

  “Major, three years.”

  “Then you know, never volunteer.”

  “Sir, I want to see what’s in that hill, it’ll much quicker with two of us digging.”

  “Sir, Specialist Mayor, I’m staying too.”

  “OK, the two of you stay, the rest of you get out of here. Corporal, Specialist, follow me.”

  The three dig into the small hill, about two feet down, the corporal yells, “Major, I got something here.”

  They three men push the dirt away, they find a body. They uncover the body, take a picture of his face, place his fingers on a small electronic fingerprint scanner, they drag the body out of the hole, under it they find another and another.

  “Major, we got a hit, this is one of the Air Force techs.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes sir, 100% match on his fingerprints.”

  “OK, call it in and get the forensic crew over here ASAP.”