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United States Invaded Page 19

  Picking up his small encrypted radio, Major Grover touches the # one button, he holds it down, the phone speed dials and connects him, he hears, “Admiral Zander’s office, Commander Grayson speaking.”

  “Commander, this is Major Grover, I need to speak with the Admiral, please tell him, I’m calling a Fox Five report.”

  “Yes, sir, please wait one.”

  Two minutes later, “Major, I heard you call Fox Five, is that correct?”

  “Yes sir, we have 100% confirmation, we found the technical team.”

  “Excellent, any information on who left them there/”

  “Sir, not yet, it will be 24 hours till we get the DNA information back.”

  “Major, how long have you been in the hot zone?”

  “Admiral, long enough to call Fox Five.”

  ”Major mark the position and get your team out of there right now.”

  “Sir, we can….”

  “Major, get out of the hot zone right now, I’ll make sure team two follows up.”

  “Yes, sir."

  “Call me after you’ve gone through decon and get a hot meal in you.”

  Two hours later, Major Grover press the # one button on his phone, “Hello Major.”

  “Admiral, I went through decon and had a meal. Admiral, may I speak frankly?”

  “Major, of course, what’s on your mind?’

  “Sir, this op is a little outside of my normal assignments, why was I sent?”

  “Because the President and I can count on you. I want you to see the destruction because I’m sure you can guess your next mission.”

  “I get to give some payback.”

  “Correct. Major, the FBI forensic team has the bodies in a hot lab right now. A Blackhawk will meet you at the base LZ in ten mics.”

  “Yes sir.”


  The vote on Russia’s nuclear disarmament resolution at the General Assembly passes with a vote of 180 votes for, and 14 votes against. The Russian ambassador stands, “My fellow delegates, the peace-loving people of the world thank you for your courageous vote today. Normally the resolution would be sent to the Security Council to pass a binding resolution. However, we all know that either America or China will veto it, which will terminate the issue before it can save hundreds of millions. In a very unusual agreement with the Secretary-General, we are going to vote one more time, this vote is to take the unprecedented step of making the resolution binding on every member of the United Nations. This will ensure one of the members of the Security Council can’t veto this most-important resolution. I hope that this evening we will be applauding ourselves for saving the world.”

  The great hall in the United Nations building erupts in cheering and fists pounding on the delegate’s desks. This vote passes with the same number as the first.

  The Secretary-General stands applauding the various delegates. “My friends, today we have taken a major step to ensuring world peace forever. We’ve taken a giant step in protecting our children’s children. No more will they have to worry about nuclear weapons since the first time these horrible weapons were used in 1945 against the peaceful people living in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The tortures those people endured will never happen again. Nuclear weapons have been used three times that caused massive human suffering, all three times the same country exploded these weapons. Today, I’m calling on President Brownstone to agree to honor this binding resolution. Since this is a binding resolution, any member state who refuses to disarm under United Nations supervision will be forced by United Nations Peace Keepers to disarm. The United Nations was formed to stop wars, not wage them. I’ve given this issue a lot of thought; I’ve decided we have to take drastic action to ensure the safety and security for the rest of the world. President Brownstone, either disarm or face the combined might of the United Nations landing on the shores and beaches of the United States to force you to disarm. No matter the strength of the United States, you can’t stand up to the might of the world.”

  The Ambassadors of The United States, Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Holland, Switzerland, Canada, Georgia, Guatemala, India, Poland, South Africa, India and Israel standup and walk out of the General Assembly meeting room.

  The Russian Ambassador stands saying, “Birds of a feather, go; you can walk out of the meeting, but you can’t escape the will of the world’s people. We will come for each of you.”


  “President Brownstone, the vote at the United Nations for disarming the world of nuclear weapons easily passed, the Russians paid everyone who was on the fence to ensure the vote was overwhelming against us.”

  “Ambassador, I watched part of the vote and the Secretary-General’s speech. I had hope he would not accept the Russian proposal to hold a binding vote in the General Assembly. I saw that no one follows any rules if there’s gold passed under the table.”

  “Sir, I think the Russian ambassador is going to organize a world army to ensure at the end of the day they’re the only ones will nuclear weapons.”

  “Ambassador, they’re not going to have an easy time disarming us.”

  “Mr. President, what would happen if we did disarm?”

  “Then the last bastion of freedom will die. Our nuclear weapons are all that hold back the terror that would be unleashed if no one feared our retribution. If only Russia has the weapons, Puten will rule the world through fear. I won’t allow that. I won’t stand by and allow Puten to stomp the life out of the world’s people. If America goes down, freedom may never rise again.”

  “Sir, what about President Reid and the LSA? I know they are partners with Russia.”

  “Yes, we know this, we know President Reid was part of the conspiracy to disarm us. We’re not going to give in. We’ll fight however we have to; I plan on addressing the country this evening. I’m sure the media has already informed everyone about the vote.”

  “Sir, what’s our people think about disarming?”

  “To be very honest, I don’t care. Many will never do any research; they’ll only listen to the sound bites or get their information from various late night television programs. All of whom are liberal, who want the world to disarm. Most of these people live in a fantasy land that bears no relationship to reality.”


  “President Reid, this is senior security investigative agent Thomson, we have a court ordered search warrant for your personal computer.”

  “Agent, I can’t give you my computer, it’s a national security issue.”

  “Mr. President, we all have the highest security clearance. My team is the only one who is called out for issues that contain national security issues. We discussed this with the court, who approved the warrant.”

  “Agent, I’m the President, I don’t have to honor the warrant.”

  “Mr. President, you personally signed into law the anti-pornography bills that include you and members of your cabinet in special cases. Sir, as you know, child pornography is one of those special cases. Sir, it’s a law you promoted. Please hand us your computer, so we don’t have to take if from you.”

  President Reid remembers Nanny deleted hundreds of the pornography files; he felt safe the files were gone. He handed the computer to the agents who handed him a receipt for it. The agents turned around leaving President Reid behind them smiling, knowing Nanny cleaned his computer so they’ll never find anything on it.


  FBI Special Agent Ranson manages the forensic lab where the DNA from the technician’s bodies and from their uniforms are being analyzed to confirm who the dead are and if there is any second party DNA that the killers left behind on their uniforms. The FBI is hoping that not only was DNA from the killers left behind, but they can find a match in the data files. The FBI analyzed the uniforms and most had skin cells from a second party. These cells were broken down to uncover their DNA. The DNA transfer must have happened when the murdered technicians were dragged to the mass grave. The DNA was entered into the FBI’
s system to see if they had a match. The FBI system is networked to the Department of Defense, Department of Justice, Department of State and many international databases. His computer pings to inform him the DNA analysis is completed. Agent Ranson reviews the data on his display three times before asking his assistant, “Agent Falks, is this DNA sample correct?”

  “Sir, yes, one of the DNA samples matches a sample we had in the system. A Russian Captain. He submitted his DNA when he worked in the Russian DC embassy.”

  “Please give me a full report. I need to send it to Washington ASAP.”

  Special Agent Ranson composes an urgent email to the Director of the FBI and the Attorney General informing them the results of the DNA found on the dead technician’s uniforms. He attaches the full report to the email. He knows his email is going to have massive ramifications; it might be the spark that ignites World War 3.

  “Agent Falks, please seal the DNA samples, put them in a fireproof safe when you’ve completed your testing. In fact put the uniforms in sealed evidence bags in the safe too.”

  “Sir, do you think the results prove the Russian Captain set off the nuke?”

  “Agent Falks, the answer to that question is above both of our pay scales. I think the results are going to cause a few people to be up all night tonight. I think we just kicked over a hornets next. I’m glad we’re here and not in DC.”

  “Got that right.”

  Twenty minutes later Special Agent Ranson’s computer pinged informing him of an urgent email message. Opening the email, he looked up over the top of the screen at his assistant, “Well, we just got orders to fly on the Gulfstream to DC. Our orders are to leave ASAP; we’re to bring the uniforms and all of the samples we collected.”

  “Well, here it goes, we’re about to be dumped into the middle of discussions that may lead to World War 3.”

  “How long will it take you to get everything here wrapped up and packaged, so we take them to DC?”

  “Can I have an hour? I need to pack them in the radioactive proof special shipping cases.”

  “I’ll inform DC we’ll leave in an hour.”

  In the middle of the sentence, the door to the lab opens, four armed army troops enter, led by a Major. “Special Agent Ranson?”

  “Yes, I’m Special Agent Ranson, who are you, what do you want?”

  “I’m Major Grover; I have orders to ensure you and Agent Falks have all the assistance you need, and we’re here for your protection. We’ll be accompanying you to DC. We’ll also have a fighter escort.”

  “Yup, I just told Falks, that we kicked over a hornets nest.”

  “Special Agent, you kicked over the mother of all hornet's nests. I don’t think you know how large a nest of very angry hornets you just released. They’re not angry at you, in fact, they’re very pleased with your work. I’d bet the two of you get a promotion when we arrive in DC. Right now can my men give you a hand packing?”

  “See those sealed boxes? We need to load all of them onto the plane. They’re very heavy.”

  Sticking his head out of the lab door, “Corp, I need four men in here to carry and load crates into the Gulfstream.”

  The Corporal calls out four names, “Guys, inside, grab the crates the agents show you, take them to the plane, don’t drop one, don’t lose one; Wilson, tag and account for every crate.”

  In thirty- five minutes the lab is emptied, packed and loaded onto the FBI’s airplane. Two FBI agents and five Marine troops are on the Gulfstream as it takes off heading east. As soon as the FBI plane reaches 5,000 feet, two F22s take up positions off each wing of the Gulfstream. Agent Falks looks out of the window, “F22s? Are they going to escort us all the way?”

  Major Grove responds, “Them or someone else. We’ll have at least two fighters with us until we land at Andrews.”


  President Brownstone sits in the temporary Oval Office watching the media show videos of main street USA. Rioting, fighting, protesting, and looting have taken over. Every city in America is covered in smoke from hundreds of fires burning out of control. “Ted, Alvin, isn’t there anything we can do?”

  Alvin looks at the displays, “Mr. President, we can declare marital law, impose a curfew, and/or order the National Guard into the streets, ..”

  “Alvin, isn’t there any other way to handle it? I’d rather not use a very heavy hand. I think sending in armed guardsmen will just make the situation worst.”

  “Mr. President, if we don’t stop the rioting quickly it will get completely out of control. I’m willing to bet that Reid and Puten are behind the rioting.”

  “Alvin, I think they may have helped with some organizing and money, but most of these protests look like the average Joe, and Jane is scared and fed up. They don’t want a bomb going off in their neighborhood. They’re scared. They’re worried. What can we do to make them feel secure in their own homes?”

  “Sir, I think it may help if you could explain to the country why you decided not to sign the United Nations treaty.”


  Sarah invites Rash to lunch, “Rash; it’s a wonderful day, not too hot, not too windy, not raining or snowing and the humidly isn’t high enough that we feel like we’re underwater. A very rare day in DC. I thought we ought to take advantage of the nice weather and go out for lunch.”

  “Sarah, I know you well enough to know, the weather has nothing to do with it, you just don’t want to meet inside the House.”

  “Can’t get anything past you can I?”

  “Nope. So what’s on your mind?”

  “I heard a wild rumor that Reid is in trouble with his own national police force. Something about kiddie porn?”

  “Why are you asking me? Do you think I could hack Reid’s computer?”

  “Not you personally, but our new best friends, Anonymous could easily have done it.”

  “Are you asking me if I know anything? I don’t think anyone has any control over Anonymous. They have proven they can hack anyone’s computer. But, before you say anything, I have no first-hand knowledge of what’s going on in the LSA. If the rumor you heard is true, and I hope it is, it couldn’t have happened to a better person.”

  Both laugh.

  Rash responds, “I wish I were a fly on the wall to see how he talks his way out of this one.”

  Sarah says, “Do you think it’s enough to bring down his administration?”

  “I guess we’ll know pretty soon. I understand the good people of the LSA are shortly going to learn about their President-For-Life little hobby.”


  “President Puten, President Brownstone turned down our proposal.”

  “Of course, he did Ambassador, I expected him to turn it down, which is why it was worded the way it was. We needed him to turn it down. If he agreed, how could we get our people onto his bases?”

  “Remember the goal, we want to crush their will, so their people welcome us when we disarm them.”

  “Ambassador, I would like you to carry a handwritten letter from me to President Brownstone as a last offer. Please wait for a response and return his response to me here in Moscow.”

  “Of course Mr. President. When will the letter be available?”

  “Here it is. I’d like you to make sure it’s handed to President Brownstone himself and you’re there when he breaks the wax seal.”

  “Yes sir.”


  The United Nations’ Secretary-General flies to Washington to meet with President Brownstone. He’s led into the Situation Room.

  “Mr. Secretary-General, please excuse the accommodations, we’re doing a little remodeling to the White House.”

  “Mr. President, we’re all thankful you survived the attack. May we get right down to business?”

  “Of course, what is it you needed to see me about?”

  “Mr. President, I’m here to implore you to accept the will of the people of the world. I beg you to accept the vote of the General Assembly. If you don
’t, there are going to be very bad repercussions for the United States. The world’s people have decided the risk to the world from nuclear weapons is too great. They want to feel safe; the world’s people want to feel secure.”

  “Mr. Secretary-General, I only care about the people of the United States of America. The people of the United States don’t want to be part of a world government. We want to be left alone. We don’t want a war with the rest of the world.”

  “Mr. President, if you agree to sign the disarmament treaty the other nations who walked out will also sign. For once the entire world will be a nuclear-free zone. For once the entire world will be truly united. I’m sure you see how close we are to truly having world peace.”

  “Mr. Secretary-General, the United Nations didn’t bring peace. All of the various interconnected treaties hasn’t prevented countries from attacking others. I’m going to announce this evening the United States of America is resigning from all treaties and agreements with the exception of the new council of the fourteen. As of today all previously purchased travel visas for United Nations diplomats are revoked, they are null and void. No diplomats other than the council of the fourteen will be allowed entry into the United States.”

  “Mr. President, you can’t do that, we all agreed to an open borders policy for diplomats.”

  “You’re correct; we did as members of the United Nations, however as the United States is no longer a member of the United Nations, we are terminating all agreements and treaties with the United Nations. If there is nothing else, you came to see me about. I have to ask you to leave our terrortiy.”

  “Mr. President, you can’t do this! If the fourteen of you resign and block access to the rest of the world’s diplomats, it will be impossible to freely negotiate treaties to preserve peace. Mr. President, frankly I’d hoped you would reconsider your resignation from the world body. We need your voice in the General Assembly. We require your support. The world counts on your support.”